Eden Weekly Archives -- August 2000

August 4 - 9 2000

Eden and Daddy ALL smiles!

Our Little Leaguer. Anyone want a signed trading card? Hehe.

Eden and Tutu.

Someone is starting to crawl.

She loves her little chicker tweets.

Baby baby suck your toe -- all the way to Mexico.

Enjoying a nice evening on the glider.

What I'm doing now...

(*** indicates my latest feats.)

If you put a toy in front of me, I'll "crawl" to it. (***I look like a bunny rabbit when I crawl.)

I LOVE to blow on my tongue and get everything wet.

I call for my "Mama" if she leaves me alone too long.

I fake cough just to get attention

When I swim, I can go under water without anyone blowing in my face, but I now know what "1, 2, 3 GO" means, so when Mommy or Daddy get to 2, I'll start to fuss. Other than that, I'm just a big ol' watter bug!

I can drink out of a straw. Too bad Mommy didn't have straws. I'd get more milk for my suck.

I can also drink out of a cup if someone holds it for me.

*** I'm learning the "urgent" cry to get attention much quicker.

August 15-23, 2000

GOSH she is SO pretty here!!! I love this picture.

Eden and Mommy.

Camera ham and shutterbug unite!

Eden standing in her crib.

Miss Eden LOVES her bubble baths.

Aloha oi.

Our Hawai'ian keiki.

Little Tomboy.

August 24 to September 1, 2000

Hangin' in the crib.

Eden discovers the Fountain of Youth.

Playin' in Isaiah's Exersaucer.

An attempt at the "old time" photo look. Splash of color. Eden with a teddy bear.

"My fans-a! I love-a you-a ALL! Mmmmmmmwahhhh!"

Out on the patio.

I think all we need here is a pair of chopsticks!

I've never seen a prettier lamp shade.

On the patio in a pretty blue sweater.

Look at that tummy!

What I'm doing now...

(*** indicates my latest feats.)

Oh, I'm getting into everything now. Crawling everywhere and chasing toes.

I still love spitting everywhere. Blowing raspberries to everyone who'll look my way.

I call for my "Mama" if she leaves me alone too long.

I fake cough just to get attention

I'm learning how to be a monkey. I like to pull myself up onto furniture and bounce up and down.

I'm just starting to like cereal a little bit. If you give me my spoon, I can feed myself.

***I kissed a boy!!!! My godfather, Micah brought Isaiah over. (He's a younger man, you see. Born in June.) I kept kissing him. And when his daddy took him, I kept climbing over his daddy so I could kiss him more. Mommy said if I kissed boys that my lips would fall off, but as you can see from the pictures, they're still smiling.

PLEASE sign the guestbook.


My 0-3 month pictures and what I was doing then.

My 3-6 pictures and what I was doing then.

See my family ad more pictures of li'l ol' me!

Eden Weekly Archives

July 2000

August 2000