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NKL-Gogeta's Quake Filez

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*NOTE*SeeMePlayMe is a new site that is said to be better than mplayer! it is going through alpha testing check it out!...

Layout designed by NKL-Gogeta
Copyright © 1998-2002 NKL (LTD)co.

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*Reminder*My site is still under heavy construction so feel free to look at what ive got and tell me what you think plz all vistors who want somethin that i didnt put up e-mail me! but plz all sign my guestbook thank you!

Welcome to the Quakefilez page Of NKL clan with me NKL-Gogeta Please I do love to hear from all yas out there so either sign da guestbook or E-mail me but have fun and download everything here comes straight from my site all uploaded for the moment and there will be more coming your way cause i'm back.......

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Hey wsup ALL Gogeta here whats happening well theres something big happening at SMPM thats SeeMeePlayMe for all ya slow people but truth is they got this really good thing goin on now its for all you gamespy Arcade Rebels out there and even if your not you should come by and check it out subscribe to thier newsletter and drop em' a line and tell them what you think and we will soon have our good old rooms,lobbies and great Quake gameplay we were so used to with mplayer...Support SMPM!

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