The Illustrated Tibetan Book of the Dead

--- The Barl Thordol and Other Essays.

By Rocanadeva Dasa

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"There are one hundred and one subtle pranic channels emanating from the heart. One of these -- the susumna -- extends to the top of the head. By passing up through this channel, one transcends death. The other channels lead in all directions, to various kinds of rebirth." (Chandogya Upanisad 8.6.6)

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10 Chapter 87 Verse 18

From Chandogya Upanishad:8.6.6. There are a hundred and one nerves of the heart; one of them penetrates the head

mentioned in the Chandogya Upanishad (see image on your left), ... (CU 8.6.6)[1]” Nadis are not nerves but rather channels


Owing to ignorance the living entity loses his ability to discriminate between the self and the inert mind, or citta. This gives rise to the next misery called asmitä, or egotism. Drg darsan asaktyorek ätmtev äsmitä (Yoga sutra 2.6). "To consider the seer (dåk-säkti), and the instrument for seeing, the citta (darçana-sakti), as one, is called asmitä, egotism." The living entity perceives material objects through the citta-vritis, the mental states that result when the senses come in contact with sense objects. The citta-vrtti is instrumental (karana), but it is not the perceiver. The soul is the perceiver, but due to ignorance the living entity considers the citta, which is merely the instrument for seeing, as himself and the citta-vriti as a transformation in himself. Feeling of happiness and distress are nothing but transformations in the citta. Lord Krsna says in (B.g. 13.6,7):

"The five great elements, egoism, the intellect, the unmanifest, the ten senses, the mind, the five sense objects, desire, aversion, happiness, distress, the body, intelligence and patience--these are, in brief, the field of activities along with their interactions."

A conditioned soul identifies with these mental states and thus considers himself to be happy or miserable. This misidentification is known as hådaya-granthi--the knot in the heart--and is cut when one realizes the Lord within and without. Sri Süta Goswämi states (S.B. 1.2.21):

Purusa, Creation, Three modes of nature, Brahman - Paramatma - Bhagavan, jiva, maya, liberation

Bhagavat Sandarbha/10 The manifestation of Bhagavan Lord Brahmä's vision of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in Vaikuëöha is described in the following ten and a half verses of the Srimad Bhägavatam (2.9.9-18):

The three modes of material nature — goodness, passion and ignorance — influence the living entity but not Me. Manifesting within his mind, they induce the living entity to become attached to material bodies and other created objects. In this way the living entity is bound up.

In the beginning of the creation, the Lord first expanded Himself in the universal form of the purusa incarnation and manifested all the ingredients for the material creation. And thus at first there was the creation of the sixteen principles of material action. This was for the purpose of creating the material universe. Causelessmercy - Ebook - Sri Isopanisad

The Purusha Sukta

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 3 Chapter 9 Verse 2

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 12 Chapter 8 Verse 45

In that personal abode of the Lord, the material modes of ignorance and passion do not prevail, nor is there any of their influence in goodness. There is no predominance of the influence of time, so what to speak of the illusory, external energy; it cannot enter that region. Without discrimination, both the demigods and the demons worship the Lord as devotees.

Nirvana means cessation of material external based activites, which is achieved by Devotional Service which is the goal of the Vedanta, Especially Srimad Bhagavatam.

Attaining nirvana could be a long, life long process as life goes on day to day year by year. I have reflections and many friends who unexpectedly help along this path. I never know the moment but I take it in with serious contemplation.

I reflect why I do things, is it for myself or for others exclusively. Now I Face the decision that I must also do for myself in some proportions as to what I do for others.

Self promotion is a serious matter. Its the striping of an ego concept of personal greatness, its the pure motive we need to be concerned with. This is the EGO. MOTIVE.

It would be to say that one must within ones self forgive, disassociate with those who have done us evil. I know that due to Karma and Desire the culprits will return to a replica of the environment and be seriously subjected to the same is not worse mistreatment by those who they mistreated. Not having realized that material life is Hell, thinking one to be independent and free to do what they like and that no one sees or that no one can do anything about their abuse become subjected finally by their own medicine. During their lifetime they also could dish it out but could not take it. This is the mentality and one must accept fate as the ruling factor.

Actually the whole issue of today's society is Hell as one is born and brought up to accept Sinful Karmic Reactive Actions as one transgresses the natural physics in an artificial global environment of rapid paced production of sinful activity as absolutely normal behavior and thinking falsely that self realization is a myth or not attainable as a realizable goal or process defend their own illusion thinking that these actions and desires are necessary.

Even as one knows that one is continuously stressed and absolutely frustrated at every turn in this society creating more crazy Psychological illness. Everything has constantly let one down, Birth, Marriage, Education, Friendship, Business, Spouse, Children, Parents, Rising costs (Actually the cap or ceiling on Rent Control and Consumer goods was lifted or removed in the early 80,s knowing full well then the effects of joblessness).

False material religions of this false Global Society of Total Control of the Masses, State that Mankind is born into sin, that Adam & Eve had been cast out of Eden. Each individual in this notion has been denied ones own right as control in mass production and an artificial distribution process of laboring consumers as ones only function by a selective process of divisions of Society.

The originators of these Religions Killed their own brothers who shared in ruling Rome as emperors.

Roger Logo

The Illustrated Tibetan Book of the Dead --- The Barl Thordol

By Roger Cornwall

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The whole idea here is to present the text in a graphic way. The images here are a Works in Progress and I hope it will hold everyone over for now as I continue to put together this piece.

The nature of the Tibetan Book of the dead is to used in Tibet as a religious Funeral Ceremony to help guide the deceased into Rebirth or enlightenment.

In western context the Bardo can be explained as a purgatory. It contains heavens and hells, angels and demons in Buddhist context. To bad for the modern civilization due to a lock of understanding and an open mind and the dysfunctional attitude of human frailty, we have been conditioned my our environment. Due to plastic injection moldings and new design features of our daily uses in our lives we have created an artificial standard of society. Due to this false conception of life and the way we perceive the nature around us the after life will be an unrecognized area and in most cases will be a failure to even think of enlightenment in this highly confused realm.

I will have to apologize for any discrepancy in the description and functions of the lesser and greater gods and spirits and the use of the Buddha's and of Darmaraja or Yama or Yamaraja


This is a scrolling marquee It names titles of the Prayers of the Sutras and the Titles of Books. Zab chos zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol las thos grol chen mo�i skor: �Chi ltas mtshan ma rang grol. Zab chos zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol las thos grol chen mo�i skor: Chos nyid bar do�i gsal �debs thos grol chen mo. Zab chos zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol las bar do�i gsal �debs thos grol chen mo bklag chog tu bkod pa �khrul snang rang grol: Srid pa bar do�i ngo sprod gsal �debs thos grol chen mo. Zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol: Bar do�i smon lam Kalimpong: Mani Dorji,. Bar do spyi�i don thams cad rnam par gsal bar byed pa dran pa�i me long. sNyan brgyud bar do thos grol gsal sgron chen mo. sNyan brgyud thos grol bar do �phrang sgrol chen po. Zhi khro dgongs �dus. �Dur chog. Kun rig cho ga�i sgrub skor.

Again, The Repeated Cycle of Birth and Death.
"Wait! I havn't finnished! Who will take care of my family? They need Me!"
Sure as Death waits for no one.

"For those who are living, Death is certain, and for among the Dead, Birth is Certain..."
Krsna --Bhagvad Gita.

The Peacefull.... and The Wrathfull Deities...

Here is the scale used by Yamaraja to weigh the Virtues and Sins of the deceased.

Yamaraja The demigod of Death. When beings die they are led before him to be judged according to their deeds. Birth, old age, illness, punishment for crime, and death, are regarded as his messengers, sent among men as a warning to abstain from ill and do good. Yama questions beings brought before him as to whether they have seen these messengers and profited by them. If the answer is in the negative, the Nirayapalas Yamadutas, [guardians of hell, agents of death] take them away to the different hells.


There are the witness's of ones life - land, sea, air, ultimately the Oversoul himself.

One is responsible for eating anything especially forbidden abdominal foods

One is responsible for defiling the body by anything, especially alcohol, drugs, tobacco, obsessive desire pursuits which are more or less predatory.

The deceased's subtle body which is suited for punishment is severed and dissmembered and thrown into a feild


In console with Super Soul Visnu himself within the heart and within each atom of exterial interface fabric of matter The Atom, One is reminded of the association of external life the conceptions of combination's of the 3 modes of nature the activity's of ones lifetime within jurisdiction of Tri Kala Past Present and future covering the eternal sleeping soul dreaming of desire independent of ones real self interest.

As the rings of color range of hues by sunlight reflection of mist particles as well as the dance of raw hell graduating of pure filtered soul of matter as the highest purest form of Lord Krsna's dancing of individual souls.

Tribal hells of native canibals, monuments lost of their functions bewilder the mind and intent of modern minds. Monster hedious dancing of death torture subtle matter upon the free will of a being according to the nature inscribed by its activities and conceptions there off.

A shell so to speak as body 3 dimensional limited sphere composed and space, and temporary time.


Finally if Enlightenment still has no been achieved the deceased will be offered Rebirth in which one is exposed to many variety's of life having intercourse or multiplying according to their own nature, seeds, eggs or womb

Tibetan Religion and the Western Imagination:
Translations and Interpretations of the Books of the Dead

Death in the twentieth century is at once imminent and invisible. Lulled by the false comforts of medical and technological advancement, western culture dreams that progress will domesticate once and for all death's senseless malignancy. Science has offered many solutions to life's questions, but has yet to explain, for example, the spark of new life, the mysterious workings of consciousness, or a person's fate after death.

Transitions to the Otherworld

Tibetan Book of the Dead Online E-Book

The subject matter of this text is that of the great questions of human kind, intrigued by the mystery of death and the notion of afterlife. The text is a funeral, conducted by the Buddhist Priests to guide the diseased into enlightenment, or rebirth.

The Four Noble Truths (Pali: Catt,,ri ariyasacc,,ni, Sanskrit: Catv,,ri ,,ryasaty,,ni, Chinese: S�sh�ngd�, Thai, Ariyasaj Sii) are one of the most fundamental Buddhist teachings. They appear many times throughout the most ancient Buddhist texts, the Pali Canon. They are among the truths Gautama Buddha is said to have realized during his experience of enlightenment.

The Nature of Suffering (Dukkha): "Now this ... is the noble truth of suffering: birth is suffering, aging is suffering, illness is suffering, death is suffering; union with what is displeasing is suffering; separation from what is pleasing is suffering; not to get what one wants is suffering; in brief, the five aggregates subject to clinging are suffering.

Suffering's Origin (Samudaya): "Now this ... is the noble truth of the origin of suffering: it is this craving which leads to renewed existence, accompanied by delight and lust, seeking delight here and there, that is, craving for sensual pleasures, craving for existence, craving for extermination."

Suffering's Cessation (Nirodha): "Now this ... is the noble truth of the cessation of suffering: it is the remainderless fading away and cessation of that same craving, the giving up and relinquishing of it, freedom from it, nonreliance on it."

The Way (Magga) Leading to the Cessation of Suffering: "Now this ... is the noble truth of the way leading to the cessation of suffering: it is the Noble Eightfold Path; that is, right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.

The 10 Worlds

Hell, Hunger, Animality, Anger, Heaven, Humanity, Learning, Realization, Bodhisattva, Buddhahood

When there is the contemplation of mentality's based upon the concepts incorporated by the association of what one is mostly united with in thought and action. Even the Demigods in the Heavenly planets are conditioned by the modes of Satva Guna (material Mode of Goodness) and a tinge of Passion (Rajas)These concepts of life is the wind that blows the jiva into their next life conditions. A well know Subversive banded philosophy explains it as the meat eaters are predictors that will become ranch animals for human consumption then again humans eating the meat for all most an eternity of suffering.

As for Space and Time Travel in Easy Journey to Higher Planets the process is by Birth and Death. One has to be born in a species on another planet. Time travel is mysterious in the sense it has been evaluated and is believed to ocurr within the universe by unknown forces based theory's as to what might occur as to changing evolution and so forth. I would like to propose that if one did travel through time by any method unnatural one just might perceive that through the evolutionary cycle of birth and death one transmigrates through 8,400,000 species as fish plants reptiles birds beasts humans and demigods, that one just might understand how the time and space would be orginaized by local that if all time Past Present and Future already occurd simultaneously in one flash then one would not be able to understand human pursuits within the body and mind of a fly or a spider or a fish. One might just get stuck back in an awkward position again as the body one had at a given point within Tri Kala.

I propose that at any given "Present" in the time factor would only be one's own Karma, Ones own life times within a "spreadsheet" of chronological time of one life time with columns of prevouis and future life's each descending or ascending row could be at any point a "Present" Future. Mystic Scientists of the Past and Future could possibly, according to astrological calculations "send" animals back and forth to observe the mental effects to a point in which the Jiva is a Human for fullfiling specific test observation and welfare work to save the Planet over and over again.

As far as the 2012 Predictions and scientific observations of astrologers and geologist, it would be very embarrassing if nothing happened at all. Something could happen of these gigantic proportions as it has in the past any time 1 min from now, 5 years or even 5 thousand years. It could also create world wide panic. I propose that upon hearing something like this it would be a good time to renew ones faith.

As for the Devotees of the Lord as the inevitable anyways such occurrence would be just as the soft touch as roses as the loving father calls for his children and brings them into His Divine Internal Nature. It is said by Krsna in the Bhagavad Gita that to be vanquished doing ones own dharma is better than to perform anothers duty. One would certainly get pretty hungry and cold if one was to just stop and look in the sky waiting for dissaster. The world must go on until the end.

I have heard recently that some belive that Lord Kalki is coming and that it is the end of Kali yuga. Srila Prabhupada wrote in His purport to this verse in Bhagavad Gita 8.17 That the current time frame of this Kali Yuga is 432,000 yrs and it is now 5,000 years into this degraded age. The Surpreme Lord can do what ever He wants He can appear at any time. As far as the scripturs go, Lord Kalki comes at the end of Kali Yuga and then a new Satva Yuga will begin.

Feb 5th 2009 I shared my birthday with an Avatar in the Srimad Bhagavatam. The appearance of Lord Varahadev, half day fast.It was also Bhaimi Ekadasi, fasting from grains. This narration is about how the Earth was mined of all its natural resourses by a Demon and the Earth fell form its orbit and the Surpreme Lord Saved the Earth by placing it nicley back in Orbit. This is also parrells the modern situation today. I think that by the good Lords mercy the Earth again has nothing to worry about.

Space Time Relativity Gravity and its spiritual Origin.

The name "Sankarsana" has an etymological relationship to the idea of gravity. There is a reference to Sesa Naga in Srimad-Bhagavatam (5.17.21)


Iskcon Temple Vrindavan

I myself just think that the earth is moving closer to the sun the changes in global climate and the crime waves emerging and escalating or just this nature

The Transcendental nature of the Absolute Truth is that of Onenes within Diversity. The objects In Vrindavan is the same as or non-different as The Lord Sri Krsna and are therefore worshipable. The nature of the Absolute is that Krsna is his name and form and is no-different. The Stones From the holy rivers in Vrindavan are worshiped as Krsna deitys as well as his articles. When Krsna left Vrindavan for Dwarka all the villgers of Vrindavan felt the seperation that now he has gone as he is the King in Dwarka and had many palaces, and in youth is the cowherd son of Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda and the darling of Vrindavan who saved them from many dangers even by lifting a hill with as the business of his little finger.

The self or the Jiva soul is a tiny particle of the Lords body as the Lord is the totatality of all spritual and external material nature.

That Divine Spritual Compostion is Sat-Cit Ananda. Eternity, Full Knowlege, and eteranly allways blisfull. Coming in contact with matter the consciousness becomes covered or cloudy as pure disstilled rain water coming in contact with the earth becomes muddy. Therefore one falsly identifies with the exteranl energy and tries to be happy in a reflection of the oringinal conditions.

The External condition being a perverted reflection of the real spritual world and the senses and mind is contaminated by contact with matter. Being born into hellish situations in the human form of life we only sought out intoxication pals and sex buddys. Cooking up war and only boiling a spoon full af vegtables and a little others meat was cooked in a hell surounded kitchen with mom like shes smiling but she is miserable. What ever happiness there was is only short lived and deluded by our sinfull demonic condition accepting this very life as the all in all identifying with My nation, being male or female, and a nationality. Our moment to moment existance is peiced together diferently. What gave us happiness brought missery and repremendation as to what we dont appreciate, or how we are not smart enough, or we can never acehive that, and who do you think you are anyways? Emotionally and physiclay violent familys and socitys of double handed dealings, lies, deception, external self image of our selfs and others, as like so many cute paper dolls changing the clothes and uniforms constantly.

The real self does not indentifiy or act like this in a spritual moment to moment spritual existance raising the consciouness breaking free form the unlimited combinations of the 3 modes of material nature. The actualy spritual world is devoid of material time tri kala alltogeter a spritual eternal present filled with pastimes and activity where every word is a song and every step is a dance. understanding the evils of birth death deseise and old age and the miserys of this world of a varity of species and the ultimate peace and happiness thats brought about by spritual practice, sadhana and meditation which bring purification. One who is in the mode of goodness satva guna also becomes conditione3d by this mode as well and the symptem is that one in this mode feels superior to others in lower modes and conditions forgeting allmost the pains and suffering by ones own experience. We must allways remember and have commpastion, That we our selfs were most wretched and miserable at some point.

My spritual master must be praised in that he has opened my eyes and understanding with the tourch lite of knowledge, that I was born into the darkest ingorance, and by His Divine compastion I have been saved from the continued suffering life time after life time of the repeated cycle of birth and death within this Maha-Tatva.

Sri Damodara

To The Supreme Loveable Object Lord Sri Krsna, Who by the secret desires of the girls and women of Gokula, Who desired Sri Krsna as their own beloved husband. Satisfied and spiritualy pacified their senses, by forcing them to become embarrassed by stealing the bathing women�s clothes. Fulfilling their desires by making the shy folk finally expose themselfs to the Lord As they had become disturbed by the coldness of the atmosphere in contact with that most holy sacred river of Vrinda Vrja-Bhumi, The Yamuna.

As The Complete Manifest Lord, as a full expression as a child, a youth, a boy, Sri Krsna stands proud wearing, being freshly bathed by the affectionate mothers and fathers of Vrindadeva, shows the universe his simplicity and magnificence.

The folk of Vrja sing the glories of the Lords pastimes as they create new colorful garments, flower arrangements, jewelry and garlands for the lords bathing and dressing daily.

Sri Krsna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead, The source of all incarnations and the Lord of all universes material and spiritual, goes out to the banks of the river Yamuna, Wondering how to satisfy Gopi Jana, Gopi Jana�s only business is how to satisfy Krsna, Gopijana Valaba.

Rocanadeva Devotee Page. My Personal Devotee Site on the Internet

Bhagavad Gita::

A Description of the Hellish Planets

The Orbits of the Planets

Dante's Inferno (Clay Animation, 16mm)

Sri Damodara

We Can pretty much forget all this mumbo jumbo and just cut to the chase and think of the TRANSCEDENTAL way of life with the Ultimate Oringinal source, -- Personality of Godhead. For these Transcendetalist's the Bardo has no effect, can be passed through very easily if not bypassed alltogether, and that Yamaraja or Daramraja is actully our very best freind within the Maha - Tatva -- all a manifestation of Krisna's External Energy, Having coming here to this world, being brought possible by the desire of forgetfullness of our own real positon as energy of God and not the God our selfs. The Yoga - Nidra of Maha Visnu is our world created of dream mainfested by Maha Visnu's creative sleep. The only reality we know within this world.

In a word, It must be mentioned.

In Loving Memory of our Beloved lost ones, The year of our Gracious Father.

In these times, when our beloved ones pass away, we reflect very deeply about their lives and our own and of our children. When they gorw up they understand as did ourselfs

May all be safe in calm during our restfullness

In Good health and cheer, Please go on with your own lives, Make good desisions and be prosperous.

The Bhagavad Gita States: "As the air carries aromas, so the spirit soul, being bewildered my external nature, is carried into another body at death"

According to our concptions that we have developed during our life, such as the nation we live in and its enviroments and our allies and enemys. Our work in life, Our immediate suroundings, our relationships, our desires and assperations, having being a Man or a Woman and the standards set therefore for each.

Please reflect very deeply and completly trust yourself in complete honesty and trust and complete faith in God, our oringinal father, best freind and best well wisher.

I am the most guilty of all of these charges I have set forth, I am the most wretched of all living enitys in the entire Maha Tatava.

A great devotee of the Srimad Bagavatam, Pralada Maharaja states that he will MARCH into HELL if all living enitys in all conditions in the entire Maha tatva will be delivered.

This prayer was submitted to the lord Nasringadeva after saving his devotee from the demonic plights of his father - King Haranyakasipu.

This is the mood of a Devotee and Great Mahabagavates

May we all pray to the Lord and his devotees for the strength and the courage to be fearless in this world which is the trade mark of the devotees.

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Transitions to the Otherworld::

The Tibetan Books of the Dead
The Bon religion of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism both maintain that crucial moments of transition are charged with great spiritual potential, especially the intervening moments between death and rebirth. This intermediate period, called bardo, is a state of suspended reality in which the deceased are presented with a series of opportunities for recognition of the true nature of Reality.

Sun March 2nd 2008
I had this most beautifull dream last night, I call it AN ASIAN UNIVERSITY TRADDITON

This play is actually in contest with the previous years performance, I as having had the good fortune to have studied for one year in Asisa's most finest Prestine University, I was allways very shy among the woman who seemed to talk and laugh somtimes glancing my way, I just thought it would be proper not to pursue, but to remain in my studies and associate among the male fraturnity, until upon graduation I, as after the celebrations as walking among the beautiful campus with flowers and bridges over lakes and streams came upon a beautiful creature of both woman and beast who had awoken from being very tired upon her journey across the ocean. A very far distance carrying fire in her lap as she would be sunken in the waves she would emerge encircled by the protecting fire which would again rest in her lap.

She said that she desired courtship and intimate relations with me which I refused immediately as it would not be proper. She assured me that if I fulfilled her desire I would be blessed by being married to the Princess

such an offered could not be refused as she was the most beautiful in all the land. she gave to me a mixture of dough sweets and yogurt in which we bathed and encircled the dough mixture with the sweets and hand feed each other in extreme delight which cause and intense euphoria until finally the sugar and enzymes causes involuntary sexual release, as we landed upon shore the performance by the students as expert was graded as a tie to the previous years performers in which the local girls laughing as the year passes was actually the princess and her associate maids friends in which marriage was proposed by the queen on behalf or her beautiful daughter all was happy

I once had this discussion a couple of years ago in the bus in agora hills during the rainy season. I was asked about eastern philosophy and he said that a writer had proposed that people of today are farther away form nature as ever before in history. I said look around the hills the rain the air you got to be kidding its all around us we have just created all of these convinces that we take granted and take that as our world and our environment. even in an industry city I look at the position of the sun during the winter or summer seasons and the moon also travels across the sky the shadow position themselves according the time of day and the suns potion and still the natural wild live in the area is prominte. it just the location of either the coast, desert, hills, woods, city, village or town or even nations. all manifests differently

Basicly from the paths we chose to take of the high road and the low road it has allways been best to take the middle path, as not to be to hot or to cold but to be just right, and that why do we relay that God is our witness, but have we testified on his behalf. What is the diference when nothing really matters anyways and it's the complete total point. That we just complete the process repeatdly still never learning from our success. It's not that what we have lost and that has been gained, The loves and the battles lost and won, but it was just a matter of playing the game with the hand that God has delt to us of our own making. It is as if we have done it ourselfs but all the credit goes out to its source which again dissplays itself in so many manifestions of ever expanding external and internal worlds. The most important thing anyone can actually express will be uncertain, the rewards and the punishments are all just still the same.

The children will teach the elders, Mankind will be scatered about all the nations, The mountains and hills will stand with the point down, the sea and the sky reverse positons, Religiosity offers no salvation upon a political global one unit divers secular divison, entrapment slaves all into giving up one's wealth land property and lives it's very self.....

A destructive element created by a tight econimical enviroment causing conflict between races familys and nations, High cost of living and transportion being dependant on Super Markets and manufactred artifical needs and wants being educated by hatefull minds telling lies about the real and influcing federalies to do the right thing and entrap unsuspecting mind and souls into lossing everything and being chewed up and spit out of the social structer and inmprisenment just to have to face that was created by the assination of Presidents and Equal Rights Activits who became heros of nothing that is delivered. Only just one big concept to belive in like the false God they created.

For Beware, The Beast as it was, was very tricky, cunning and sly, The lambs and the sheep garb the wolves and the Wolf appears as the angel, being worshiped, a hero and much less that that of a Matar, For they are the most fearfull, cowards as it was.

That�s the way to have the people live in constant fear, arrest and search , every where is a bad area beating down the population with terrorism on a global basis, even ordering an attack on their own nation to continue to restrict the motion of society always holding back all positive productive goals and aspirations of personal, communal and global scales. No decency of self respect and dignity.

Terrorism is only a tool, a vehicle to bring about your personal dissatisfaction and freedom of movement, thought, and action, stifling all creative ideas, spiritually encaging the soul not to damnation but to no answer at all� We are in movement and motion that can never be Taken away .

No one has really performed any action or movement at all. External energy captivating your attention to frivolous non sense arena of mad mind insanity, Answer to the Boss, the family, the kids, your peers, the authorities, your won DESIRES,

They Are All


The actual point is just take notes when confronted by this world which is dead matter biological mechanical suits made possible by birth and death the actual situation. It warrents reaction, I find this very childish, "What are you going to do about" more like what can you do about it. Enviousness base cause of external being bringing forth the very bottom line double under handed dealings two faced back stabbing authorian reports of ones own worse critics family freinds and co-workers. Especially during the Holidays or even better a death in the family, No profit, execpt for the Spritual preceptors taking it all in a Dogma forgeting that the Demigods of Sun Air Mind Fire so forth should at leat still be respected if not at all rememberd by just surrendering yourself and being saved or freed.

Just another waste of your lifetime even done in the proper way we dont know about that in AMERICA

When in the partial dissalution of the Universe one worships and meditates to take birth on higher and higher planets as all dissolves close to the sun untill it again cools off and again a new creation about the time we are told of the begining of this planet and the questions as to why or how life has emerged in this varity as if by some kind of misstake or chemical natual selection


Be close to you. The most important relationship you have is with yourself. You alone share identical values, aspirations, fears and questions with yourself. In this hectic world, many of us just don't take the time to explore ourselves to understand how our values, aspirations, fears and questions are evolving.

How can you understand someone else - your spouse, your boss, your children - if you don't understand yourself? Schedule some time every day to explore how you feel about the things you have been experience, so that you can be close to you.

Life is just one big "THATS TO BAD!!!" again and again and again. "TOUGH!!!!!"

The diference between the self motivated individual the the individuals who have sabatoged themselves and others, belive they are doom to failure is that the later has never applied themselfs to anything and they finnish what the start and are the first ot complain about the ones who do succsedd in their motivations and interest they pursue as thire lives goal.

The later will do everything they can do to stop individuals from completing their work, they look down as to create criminals and drug addicts of their own manufactoring and despice by and through the hatered they have for themselves extended out to societiy as a whole, falsing resoning that everyone has done somthing so find out what it is by every method possible.

Societiy as a whole collectively and individualy constantly police our own selfs and base these desisions about everyone else and constant and consistant basis requarding every asspect of our proffessional and private lives as to where one will be employed to where one will live as to who fucks who and who gets shut out of the action and fuck every one else and bitch and complain about those who dont and even murder takes place to fullfill personal interest and corupt desires. They laugh at you and think its funny considering you as inferior inteligence, never once improved themselves think they will improve upon the world only in mission statements and promises that are never deliverd

Well that life!!! Thats just the way it is and thats tough and just to bad!!!

The way to succede is to remove every obstacle that presents it's self, the smaller issues create the whole path to the large goal and redine the path to success at every moment and there will never be any rest for who are constanly finding and makeing time it takes to complete their goals. This is the meaning of relentfull ambition. These self motivated individuals extract them selfs form socity as they understand the dangers and enemys within. Trust no one including every relationship must be evaluated at every possible level.

Never relizing that digesting fire only produced its firey effect upon our enviroments at every level and asspect of our lives. Defying all logic and its endless possabilitys, Playdough cloned clowns in his sand castle factory which wash out in high tide endless and senselessly begining again and agin new situations names and their moorphs haveing allready been striped of their masks and their external sceintific phenomona having been ranched just to farm a fire is ingnited by the carniverous canimlism recycling not stolen souls but freeing the light and the shadows to live forever. The firewood ingnits the fuel produced by butchers the consumption of methan and fire burns the soul to ingine reaity as one knows in the past to be reborn again by dementinal desire as the reward allways perciveing much different and allways alone in the worlds we create our own selfs and the gods devils angel and demons and manufacter our own morality and Vices.