Pony Ex-Press
In a moment of insanity, one woman decided to take the plunge into zine editing. In that moment, Pony Ex-Press (a cheesy name to be sure, but a functional one) was born. We swear we'll get a Laramie zine yet, and then the title will make a lot more sense. Until then....
Now available!"Strong Enough" , a multimedia gen zine focusing on the strong females we love so well. Click here for more information. Proceeds from this zine will benefit breast cancer research.
Now available: "Superman" , an Emergency! gen zine by AJM! Click here for details and ordering information.
Now available!"Magic and Mystery" , a Real Ghostbusters gen zine! Click here.
For submission guidelines (please read before submitting anything!), click here.
This site is under construction; I haven't received the shipment of bells and whistles yet. They'll get here, one day. J
Audrey Lynne, Editor