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Baeris Kshau's Healing Den
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Lokerian watched curiously as a dark, slate-blue dragon hatchling appeared. Odd. There weren't any shell fragments on him, and no one had seen him hatching.

Lokerian gasped with the rest of the spectators and Candidates as the blue went between right there on the ground, reappearing right below Vaani, who had slipped off the ledge and was dangling by one hand.

The dark blue stretched out his long body and nudged the girl's foot. Vaani climbed down gingerly and hugged her dragon. "Thank you so much, Nasibith. I would've been 'urt on that fall!" Lokerian heard her say as the pair headed off the Sands. He smiled fondly.

A loud shattering noise drew his attention away. A brown snout poked out of the shell, followed quickly by the rest of the dragonet. Lokerian exhaled in wonder at the young dragon's beauty. A lovely pale creamy color shading down to white-speckled deep russet at his head, wingtips, and tail. Like a dark leaf being illuminated, the young man realized. The proud-looking hatchling strutted over to the boys, looking over each one carefully.

I will never allow anyone or anything to harm you or your traveling friends, while I am alive, L'rian. I am Jazibth, you protector. A solemn voice spoke up in Lokerian's mind. His throat closed at the memory of the feline attack as the new dragonrider embraced his lifemate. "I'll be as brave as ever with you to help me, Jazibth!" L'rian murmured joyfully.

* * *

L'rian. L'rian? L'rian! His dragon's anxious queries jolted the rider out of his memory. L'rian sat upright, blinking. "Oh, sorry about that, Jaz. Was remembering your Hatching!" he grinned, striding over to pat the speckled nose. Jazibith snorted. Great. Now if you're done, can we go get some food? I'm starved! he exclaimed as L'rian mounted obediently. "Uh-huh, whatever the dirty snowball says, goes!" the rider teased, slapping his dragon's neck affectionately. Dirty snowball, nothing! Wingless pink thing! Jazibth retorted. Rider and dragon continuted bickering as they glided down to the Weyrbowl.

* * *

Jazibth settled companionably beside the slate-blue Nasibith on the warm ledge. L'rian jumped off and went into the weyr to find Vaani.

Don't you think our riders are funny? the white-brown remarked absently. Yes, they really are. I mean, they have to eat every day! How odd is that? the bigger blue agreed, bobbing his head emphatically. What are they doing now? Jazibth wanted to know. He was getting the weirdest combination of emotions from his rider--nervousness, happiness, love and awkwarness all at the same time. I'll ask Vaani Nasibith told him, his eyes whirling a little faster with curiousity.


They're...talking? That's all my rider will say. How about yours? the dark-colored dragon sounded puzzled. Funny. L'rian says the same thing. Only he sounds like he's hiding something. I don't like that. the smaller pale dragon replied with a slight edge of anxiety.Well, I'm sure there's nothing wrong, or we'd know. Come on, the sun's nice and warm. Forget about them. Nasibith reassured his draconic friend and promptly fell asleep.

Soon, two sets of snoring could be heard coming from the weyr ledge.

* * *

"So, Jaz, now that I've got you signed up to fly in the second frenzy at the Healing Den, any preference?" L'rian asked companionably, rubbing his dragon's bi-colored neck. He forced himself not to think of Vaani and what would happen when Jazibth flew another. Hmmm. There are many lovely females at the Healing Den. I like them all! the white-brown dragon replied impishly.

* * *

Jazibth smoothly landed in the field where all the Frenzy dragons were gathered. L'rian slid off his dragon's shoulder and joined the other waiting riders. He came to the rather alarming realization that there were way more female riders than males. Hoo boy, this was going to be very interesting indeed.

Just then Dulath and another white sprang into the air, closely followed by the other females, who in turn were pursued by the males. "I don't want it to be anyone but you." Vaani whispered from beside him. L'rian nodded slowly, swallowing his anxiety as, up in the air, Jazibth was outraced by the holly-marked Holarith. The rider was faintly relieved, to say the least.

L'rian was snapped back to reality as Jazibth's brown-speckled wings enveloped Dulath's smaller green-gold ones. Baeris was looking at him with an expression on her face that made him want to blush fiercely. He noticed Vaani's eyes aiming daggers at the older woman. Baeris smiled and turned away, promptly kissing a tall young man who had just appeared. L'rian averted his gaze discreetly.

The rider's attention was now centered completely on Vaani, in his arms at last. L'rian tilted his head, their lips met....Vaani gasped as her Nasibith found his own mate. Dragonlust thrummed through both humans, and the rest was easy...

L'rian's Stats
Name Lokerian/L'rian
Age 21
Sex Male
Rank Wingsecond
Birthplace Unknown
Hair Dark brown
Eyes Grey
Pets None
Dragon Name Jazibth

Jazibth's Stats
Name Jazibth
Age Adult
Color White-brown
Rider L'rian
Birthplace Baeris Kshau's Healing Den