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Baeris Kshau's Healing Den

Yrielle watched eagerly as two more eggs cracked, their inhabitants clambering from the shells.A queenly snort was heard as a tiny yellow-golden one stood up and shrieked at the audience. The girls on the sands knew that this was one queen they didn’t want to just up and mess with! She even snapped at a couple of the shards of shells that were laying on the sands, and then she moved toward the girls. Most of them moved out of the way, and the blind Korim had to be nudged to get out of the fierce bright little queen’s path. Yrielle just smiled. She knew who this dragonet was looking for!

She is not for me, bespoke the dragoness, loud enough almost to be painful. You are for me. I want you to call my name out and I want to eat right now! I am Aerinhath!

"I think everyone did hear you, but just in case, her name's Aerinhath!" Yrielle announced, laughing. Aerinhath nodded her satisfaction and began making her way regally towards the exit.

* * *

"...and that is how you Impressed me!" Yrielle finished, leaning against her dragon's warm shoulder. Aerinhath warbled, pleased with the story. Her rider got to her feet, stretching and yawning. "I think there's a Wing meeting in a candlemark." she remarked.

Aerinhath snorted. I still think we should fly with the Queen's Wing. I am a queen, aren't I? the yellow-gold demanded.

"How many times do I have to tell you! You are a queen, but a very special one, so we fly in the special dragons' wing!" Yrielle answered, exasperated. But I- the dragon started again. "No buts!" her rider interrupted, walking back into the weyr.

Aerinhath made a disgruntled noise and settled herself down on the sun-warmed weyr ledge, resting so that she had an optimum view of the Weyrbowl. She hissed at any curious dragons, as if to say, "What're you looking at?!". Aerinhath... Yrielle admonished.

Aerinhath just hissed again but stopped needling the other dragons. I am as good as any queen, I am better, in fact... she grumbled. You are, you are! Agile and fast as any green, but still golden. Be still, love, don't bother the others. It's not their fault! Yrielle bespoke from inside the weyr. The little yellow-gold warbled smugly. They will never catch me. she remarked confidently.

Her rider froze. What-what did you just say? she stammered mentally. Aerinhath cocked her gleaming head and repeated, I said they will never catch me. Yrielle sat down slowly, a little disbelievingly. Aerinhath was only just out of weyrlinghood...she frowned, correcting her thinking. Aerinhath was almost three Turns old. Ready for her first flight.

You are distressed, my rider. I will not fly until you are ready. the tiny queen assured her rider staunchly, her tail snaking out and deftly pulling the young woman to her dragon's side. Yrielle smiled a little and rubbed the golden neck fondly. "Thank you, love, but I won't stop you from flying." she replied, nestling down into the warm cradle of her dragon's forelegs.

And anyway, Aerinhath continued after a moment of silence, it's not like there's any dragons here worthy of me.

* * *

"Seven males in the Frenzy so far, and five more females, Aer." Yrielle commented, scrutinizing the flight board. Her little queen snorted mentally, Well, they had better be good enough to fly with me. she rejoined, flaring her wings part-coquettishly, part-threateningly at a nearby male. Who're you menacing now, dearest? her rider asked in amusement.

Aerinhath stopped and furled her wings as she responded, Medyatith. He is of my clutch, and one of my suitors. I must not play easy to get, you know. she informed her rider tartly, sending an image of the pale-winged bronze. A furrow appeared between Yrielle's brows. Medyatith? Isn't that R'lim's dragon? The one who was burned so terribly... she inquired thoughtfully, half to herself and half to her dragon. Aerinhath provided the answer bluntly, Yes, he is. I am told R'lim is very ugly by human standards. Does this both you, my rider? the golden dragon wanted to know.

Yrielle walked out to where her dragon was resting and sat down, leaning against the warm curve of Aerinhath's neck. "It doesn't bother me all that much; he's a very nice guy, but it probably bothers him rather a lot." she remarked softly. The young woman watched, unseen in the cradle of her lifemate's arms, as R'lim came striding up to Medyatith, looking quite uncomfortable in the full sunlight. Yrielle could see why--many of the nearby people stopped and stared, and she felt a rising irritance at their callous actions. They didn't have to stare like that, as if the bronzerider was some kind of Gather attraction or whatnot.

The queenrider remained a silent observer as R'lim and his dragon seemed to have a conversation. She could see that it had to do with her own dragon, because the big bronze kept glancing sidewise at Aerinhath, who pretended not to notice. R'lim turned to regard Aerinhath momentarily, and bit his lip a little, as if worried, before turning back to Medyatith. You like Medyatith's rider. Aerinhath intruded on her rider's thoughts.

Yrielle's face went flaming red. "I...well, don't have restricted by my preferences." she stuttered, muttering the last part as fast as possible. Aerinhath gave the dragon version of a smirk and said nothing.

* * *

It was some time after the Frenzy now, and Yrielle was happier than she'd ever been before. Aerinhath had found a mate in Medyatith during the mass-flight; and though their riders weren't strictly weyrmates, they might as well have been.

It was just her luck, Yrielle thought with a soft smile, to be with this wonderful, brave, (in her eyes) handsome man. And you owe it all to me. Aerinhath butted in smugly from her place a few meters away on the Healing Den sands.

Oh you.... Yrielle couldn't find the proper term, so she let the matter hang. Her dragon snorted, busying herself with burying her eggs. Wait! How many did you lay? Yrielle called. Not telling. Aerinhath replied petulantly.

"Oh come on, Aer...." Her rider groaned, just as R'lim dropped onto the bench beside her, putting an arm around the young woman's waist. Yrielle grinned at him and leaned her head against the bronzerider's shoulder. "Aerinhath's just being her usual stubborn self." she remarked. The little gold queen hissed in disgruntlement at such a comment.

"I went to see Baeris today." Yrielle said, broaching a subject she knew would make her mate happy. R'lim looked worried. "Why? You're a healer yourself." he asked anxiously. Yrielle smiled broadly and leaned up to kiss him. "I was just confirming something." she answered enigmatically.

She could see the realization dawning on the man's face. "You mean...." Oh for heaven's sake, rider, just tell him. No, I'll tell him. Yrielle is going to have your hatchling. Aerinhath interrupted impatiently.

A slow smile spread across R'lim's scarred features. "Is it true?" he asked softly. Yrielle nodded. The bronzerider almost laughed for joy, picking the young woman up and swinging her around. "Yes, R'lim, it's true. You're going to be a father!"

Yrielle's Stats
Name Yrielle
Age 21
Rank Goldrider
Dragon Aerinhath
Birthplace Healer Hall
Hair Chestnut
Eyes Grey
Pets None

Aerinhath's Stats
Name Aerinhath
Age Adult
Color Yellow-gold
Rider Name Yrielle
Birthplace Baeris Kshau's Healing Den