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  I am a teacher in San Diego with over 20 years
experience working with children that have
 specific learning disabilities, such as attention
and behavior disorders, mild retardation
 and communication delays.
I am proficient teaching remediation reading,
 math, social sciences, and language arts.
  I offer a variety of services to help children,
  of all ages, in the San Diego area achieve their academic potential.

Administer, score, and interpret various
  diagnostic educational tests, such as the Woodcock-Johnson and the Wide Range Achievement Test.
Many special ed. students are significantly delayed in reading skills. I will provide the student with materials appropriate for their academic
After diagnostic screening, the needs of the
  student will be assessed and a program will be developed. The instructional math content will adhere to the California standards.
Varied writing, grammar, and spelling
  techniques will be utilized to increase the academic performance of the student.

I will provide services in the student's home, or at other agreed upon location. Sessions will be 1 hour or longer.
Depending on services provided, fee's will be $40 to $50 an hour.

Phone: (619) 281-4378

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