(Please click on panels for expanded viewing and ordering)
"Choke" 44 x 44 oil om canvas | Beets 36 x 39 oil on canvas |
Celery 40 x 50 oil on canvas | Onions 33 x 60 oil on canvas |
Ladder Backs & Fruit 50 x 39 oil on canvas | Thonet & Fruit 36 x 36 oil on canvas |
Fruit, Wine & Cheese 25 x 31 oil on canvas | Flower Basket 30 x 36 oil on canvas |
Flowers Hoop Basket42 x 27 oil on canvas | Flower Tub 44 x 48 oil on canvas |
White Lily 20 x 24 oil on canvas | 2 Lilies 20 x 24 oil on canvas |
3 Lilies 20 x 24 oil on canvas |
White Roses 20 x 24 oil on canvas |
Burgundy Brown 20 x 24 oil on canvas | Frequent Flyer 20 x 24 oil on canvas |
Queen in Calico 20 x 24 oil on canvas | Light Beam 20 x 24 oil on canvas |
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