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The Mill - The best place to find maps for Myth II: Soulblighter. This place is the best Myth II site you'll ever find. Almost EVERY map can be found here.

Elijah's Myth II Website - Here you'll find info on all of Elijah's maps, projects, and other stuff. Elijah is very talented at all things Myth II, and his site is just awesome. In other words, go check it out now. =)

Havin' a Blast - Some neat-o maps and other stuff. These guys are definitely "havin' a blast."

Creation - The website for Creation, a fantastic map-making group for Myth II.

Malkavian's Myth Maps - This site has awesome maps. Check it out.

Vista Cartel - A great website full of maps, tutorials, forums, and lots more. Oh... and Jinn too.

Terra Incognita - Terra Incognita was the author of the popular map "To Kill a Mockingbird."

Clan-Made: Mything - More Myth II links that you would ever want.