
When you beat Silent Hill you get to see an ending. But did you know there are 5 differnt endings!!! Yes you probably did. Well here is how you get them and a short discription on what they are.
If you complete the Kaufmann side mission and save Cybill at the amusement park, you'll get the good+ ending. At the end You fight the demon boss. After that you see the good+ ending. Cheryl gives Harry an new baby, Dr. Kaufmann gets pulled into hell by the possesed nurse, Lisa. Then Cybil and Harry run off.
If you complete the Kaufmann side mission but don't save Cybil, you get the GOOD ending. You'll fight the demon boss at the end. Cheryl gives Harry the baby, Dr. Kaufmann gets pulled into hell by the possesed nurse, Lisa. Then Solo Hary runs off.
If you save Cybil but don't do the Kaufmann side missions then you get the BAD+ ending. You fight the Allesia boss. Harry kills Cheryl and goes dissrespondent to what Cybil is saying so she slaps him around. Then the run off togather.
If your lazy and don't do the Kaufmann side missions or save Cybil, you get the BAD ending. You fight the Allesia boss. Harry kills Cheryl and falls to the floor pounding the ground after his daughter thanks him for killing her. After the credits you see that Harry in his crashed car bleeding from the head and unconscience. You figure out that he dreamed up the whole thing.
When you beat the game and get the GOOD+ ending you'll get the channeling stone. If you use it at the 5 spots (see at bottom) You'll get the UFO ending. The aliens come down and Harry asks them if they have seen his daughter but when he is asking he gets shot by a stun ray and get's dragged into there ship and they fly away. Thats it....I exped more from this ending but was sadly disapointed. But you get the Hyperblaster for it so I guess that makes up for it dumb ending.
When your at the hospital (normal) get the plastic bottle and use it on the red liquid in Kaufmann's office. Later on use it on Cybil When she is possesed. Just wait untillshe throws her gun away and here guard is down to use it on her. Also when you go to the Silent Hill Resort, you must do the Kaufmann side mission. What you need to do is first go to Annie's Bar There you will meet up with Dr. Kaufmann. He says some dumb stuff and leavs in a hurry. After that pick up his wallet on the ground and look at the recepit The numbers are 0-4-7-3 Now head over to the Indain Runner use the recipt numbers on the door. After you enter go over to the counter tops and read up on the town's citizens. Go over to the small cabinet on the wall and examine it you should get the safe key. Use the safe key on the safe under the counter. DRUGS? What's going on? Read the paper on the wall to the right of the safe. This gives you the Rear entrance code, 0886, to Normans Motel. Go over to the motel after this. Find the door with the electronic lock and use the code 0886 on the door. Enter and grab the magnet on the sofa. Read the paper. Then go into the other open door and read the cliped out article. Save If you Want. Then head into the door near the entrance. A motorcycle sits here check it out and then grab the health drink and the shotgun shells. After that go to where the motel rooms are. Enter room 3 by using the key you got off Kaufmann Push the shelf near the bathroom door. Use the Magnet in the crack. Now you have the Motorcycle key! Head back to the Motorcycle room use the key on the motorcycle and get the glass vile. After that Kaufmann enters. He starts yelling at you for screwing around. Then he grabs the vile away form you. All that for Nothing! Nope now you get the GOOD+ ending!
Don't save Cybil when you get the chance. But when you go to the Silent Hill Resort, you must do the Kaufmann side mission. What you need to do is first go to Annie's Bar There you will meet up with Dr. Kaufmann. He says some dumb stuff and leavs in a hurry. After that pick up his wallet on the ground and look at the recepit The numbers are 0-4-7-3 Now head over to the Indain Runner use the recipt numbers on the door. After you enter go over to the counter tops and read up on the town's citizens. Go over to the small cabinet on the wall and examine it you should get the safe key. Use the safe key on the safe under the counter. DRUGS? What's going on? Read the paper on the wall to the right of the safe. This gives you the Rear entrance code, 0886, to Normans Motel. Go over to the motel after this. Find the door with the electronic lock and use the code 0886 on the door. Enter and grab the magnet on the sofa. Read the paper. Then go into the other open door and read the cliped out article. Save If you Want. Then head into the door near the entrance. A motorcycle sits here check it out and then grab the health drink and the shotgun shells. After that go to where the motel rooms are. Enter room 3 by using the key you got off Kaufmann Push the shelf near the bathroom door. Use the Magnet in the crack. Now you have the Motorcycle key! Head back to the Motorcycle room use the key on the motorcycle and get the glass vile. After that Kaufmann enters. He starts yelling at you for screwing around. Then he grabs the vile away form you.
Simply save Cybil when you get the chance. Don't complete the Kaufmann Side mission.
Don't save Cybil. Don't Do the Kaufmann side mission.
To get the UFO ending you must first beat the game and get the GOOD+ ending. Save your game after that and it will say NEXT FEAR. Load the NEXT FEAR game. Now when you start off head over to the Convenience store. It's on the conner of Finney and Bachman. (Look on your map and there should be a purple building, that's it!) Grab the channeling stone. Then Use it at these Locations:
Then you get the UFO ending. After that save the game and load the NEXT FEAR game when you do that you start off with the HYPER BLASTER.