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Welcome to a web site made for Student Trustees by Student Trustees. The purpose of this Web Site is to help foster education and communication with and amongst Student Trustees. With eighty-one student trustees and 108 colleges scattered throughout California, information dissemination is the key to our success. We hope that the information contained in this web site proves to be useful to you.

Hi Everyone !!! My names Paulette Rice, I'm currently a Student Trustee at Citrus College in Glendora Ca. I am very happy to have been chosen to update the Website that Robin Dalton and others had taken the time to create for us. For those of you who did't know Robin Dalton she was a student trustee as well as one of the creators of this website. Robin was ready to transfer and wanted to leave a forum for future trustees to communicate with each other as well as have some concrete foundation on job functions.

Over the last couple of years the site hasn't had anyone to keep it updated as it should have been, but I am happy to do my part in keeping the information current for us.I will be having help from our Professor in Business/Computing & Information Systems, Tom Gerfen. He has offered to help me upgrade our site and make it eaiser to navigate. ***We now have our own URL CCCST.ORG It stands for California Community College Student Trustee's. At this time, if you key in our new URL it will route you to our current site until all files have been transfered to our new host. I hope you will enjoy the few changes and add-ons to our site that will be available to us over the next few months. I know Robin will enjoy the few changes we have in mind. So keep an eye on your Trustee Website and let me know how you like the changes as we make them. This will be very important in our progress as this is your site too!! Please e-mail me with your feedback.

If you have any suggestions or any material you would like us to post, please feel free to let us know. Just email a word document to me and I will transfer it onto the site.


"March In March"

Budget Cuts & Fee Increases
It has been brought to my attention that there will be a "March In March" Rally held on March 17, 2003 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The location is the State Capitol Building on the West Wing steps.This event is being endorsed and supported my many State College Organizations and Statewide Community Colleges.
We understand that some colleges don't have the funds in there budgets for travel especially if your located long distances from the Capitol. But there are other avenues of which you can be supportive to your college and community. Contact the Community College League of California and CalSACC for futher information.

"Region Seven Rally" Budget Cuts & Fee Increases
When & Where: March 28, 11-1p.m. Pershing Square, Los Angeles CA.
All colleges are invited,there will be 10 student speakers, if you would like to be one of the student speakers auditions to be held on March 14 at 10 a.m. Guest speakers have been invited, banners, T-shirts, signs etc...are going to be given out. If your college or organization would like to participate please contact student chair, Jessica Salazar the ASU Parliamentarian at Los Angeles Valley College. She can be reached at (818)-947-2709 or at home (818)-364-9723.

Sierra College
Has been taking an interest in helping to notify the colleges about the "March In March" event. If you would like to talk to them they have left their number available for you. Jeff Wilcox, (916)-3333. Michi, Home(530)-346-2368/Work (530)-274-5299.

A College at Work
Citrus College has set up voter registration once a week and will be having writing workshops (to help students send messages to their state officals about their budget concerns & how it will effect them).Also a computer has been set-up for students to send direct e-mail. But you must remember your name and personal address or they won't except it. And upon approvel their ASCC Board will be sending 10 students to the Rally by the way of essay writing. Keep up the good work. Thanks Citrus!!

College of the Desert
will be attending the rally in Sacramento, Naheemah McMicheaux their CalSACC Rep called and they will be sending a bus of students up to the rally. Thanks for your support!!See you there

I have added J. Conroy from Santa Clarita CCD and Brenda Nystrom from Siskiyous Joint CCD to the list of California Trustees. Welcome you two!

Thanks to those student trustee alumni who have left your more current information
so that we may all keep in touch and give any advice to incoming trustees.

Comments & Suggestions