Where Is Satan?

Where is satan?

Updated: and corrected as Led.

Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

This is my short paraphrased story of the things revealed to me.

There was a rebellion in heaven. Lucifer wanted to be God! We were there. You and I. All of Gods sons were there. Some of us ( Gods Elect) stood aginest lucifers rebellion, but other follow him. All this happen way back before God made man in His image and put man in the earth.

The earth was destroyed then, because of Lucifers rebellion! Boy! was that war something! Father God sent a great flood and cover the whole earth with water! And it was quite awhile before Father desided to restore things back again. The earth is very, very old.

And we all eagerly watched as He began to restored the earth again, and set the garden of eden in its place. We were spirit then, not yet born into our earth suit! God set about putting everything in place. He set the rules. He made all the different races.

But then He saw on the eighth day there was no man to till the ground. so He created Adam, and then Eve whom he took from Adams curve. His DNA. ( the bible translated it Rib, which is curved, but thats not quite right! ) This was the special family line God chose to bring the Messiah into earth through!

The sixth day creation were the other races, where Cain found his wife! You really didnt think Father was going to allow incest did you? No that's Luifers way. Just another of his deceptions. Then the biblicaly ignorant peddled it to make a dollar and end up decieveing christians.

Now How did I come to understand all this? Briefly : First I heard it in my spirit after reading scriptures, scriptures that would run agin and agin through my thoughts untill I would ask God about it! And the answers would come. Some confirmed through the scholars of the scriptures. And however God chose to speak. The knowing in part, came first, the conformation followed. His sheep know his voice! And I'm a seeker. Now to continue:

Now some of Gods sons were not to sure about this rebellion. and while they had always Obey God up till now, here was a whole new ball game. They had questions! But those that rebelled with Lucifer are still decieved by following him!

God's Elect had stood and fought aginest Lucifer and his followers. But there had to be a way to settle this on-going conflict! Where better to settle the whole matter than on planet earth! God set up the rules of play.

Satan would be a little god on planet earth. It was His to do with as he desired. Give it to whosoever he desired! Oh how he strutted around after that!
(You remember how he tried to offer it to Jesus, dont you ? ) Well Of course God remained Sovereign and He laid down some ground rules of play for this scenario. But the peacock Lucifer still strutted around!

The rest of us could enter the earth through natural birth Only! That was the #1 rule. Once there we again would have a free choice, in who to follow. Gods Elect, We, who had no question as to who our allegance was to. would again come to understand these things! We stood. We Fought! We had kicked dragon! Then and Now! God being Sovereign, could do as he desired, such as sending His messagers, which He would appoint and send as He chose. Others of Lucifers followers, had to ask for permission to re-enter (as spirits) into the earth again. See: 1Ki 22:21

Lucifer, we soon saw, would cheat, and break the rules in the first inning! So God Set Michael in charge over him, So he couldnt cheat all the time! Re 12:7 - Jude 1:9
"Well, what do you expect?" " from some one who thinks he should be God!"
He started with wholly seducing Eve , and got her and Adam expelled from the garden. He knew this was God's chosen line and was quick to start messing with it. And it was a peverted evil act he comitted, in Eden. But wont get into that indepth here. See:The Temptation for that story.

Now Cain just like his wicked father (satan), became a murderer, and killed Abel. And as the earth was filling with people. Satans "crew" came into the earth and started takeing wifes for themselves. Thats where the gaints came from. ( nephilim ) (David when a young shepherd boy, killed one of them! Remember the story? ) They wanted to mix into the chosen line which Messiah was to come through. To polute it.

They cheated ! Came down, and broke the #1 rule! Remember I told you God had set some rules on entery into the earth? Well It hit the fan, so to speak! And God sent another flood to destroy their offspring and those who ran with them!

But Noah hadnt mixed with that crowd! and his pedigree was pure! The family DNA line was safe! So God told Noah to build the ark, and saved him and that family.

Well that didn't work out for the cheat, so he tryed to kill off Jesus as a new born, And a lot of babys died because of his rage aginest Gods chosen Messiah. Missing that attempt. He came agin to tempt Messiah, offering him all the world. But no matter what he tryed Messiah stood on the promises of the Scriptures and the witness of the Holy spirit in him and overcame satans temptations. And He really blew it when he had the Kenites (Son's of Cain) murdered him, "now didnt he!" And then blamed it all on the Tribe of Judah!

So now, he is a zillion times busyer, try to hinder those who are filled with the Holy spirit as Messiah was!
Where is he now? Oh he's around, Rule'n his little kingdom on earth. He's given the kingdoms of this world to all who'd follow him. Thier buying and selling and prospering, and living high ( for the moment). He is still in his spirit body. He trips back and forth between heaven and earth. He is The ( instead of ) Christ! Telling every one he is Jesus !!!! ( anti ) means Instead of. And he's brought the crew too, they would like to find a wife. You may see them filting around via UFO's. By the looks of it he's found many men to decieve and live in already!
What ya know, he's here right now in earth calling him self a christian.

But Michael is holding him back intill Father God says it is time. Then you'll start to see him being revealed by Father's Holy Spirit for who he really is, The Man Of Lawlessnes. If you have eyes to see and ear to hear! There are many, many antichrist. God is busy calling and sealing his children in the Holy Spirit. ( the lost tribes of Israel ) As soon as we are all sealed and ready.(That means we will understand in our minds.) And then the Elect will stand aginest Him again, as we did before, in the last earth age. For we are the two wittnesses. Seen in the type of (The two olive trees) and the two churches (Symara and Philedelephia )We're here to awaken the ten sleeping virgins..You see the whole world has already been decieved by him.

The old Cheat will break the rules one last time, Touching God's True Anointed! And three days later the Seventh Trump will sound! Christ Jesus, Messiah Yahshua, Lord of lords and King of kings will Come! and We will be changed in a moment in the twinkling of a eye! Then it will hit the fan agin! For satan and his crew! Because Father will pour out His wrath of the wicked.

Pardon my paraphrasing! But, I want you in the know!!! So you wont be decieved any longer. But If you want to understand more, I have other pages that get more into some of this. I didnt even get into how satan changed the names of Elohim! Or who The false prophet really is....One hint! He has one big eye, and lives in most homes. But I hope I've at least provoked you to study more! Smile. He who seeks finds, And believe me, It's not Father who's hiding the truth from you! But He'll allow you to be decieved, if you have idolitry in your heart. So Get to repenting and give Him your whole heart!

Love in Christ


Dr. Harry Ironside gave the illustration of the sinner coming to the door of salvation
(John 10:9).
Above the door was a sign which says, "Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely"
(Rev. 22:17).
The sinner responds to this gracious invitation, trusts Christ and he is gloriously saved.
He now turns around and looks at the door through which he had just entered.
He sees above the door another sign which says, "Chosen...in Him before the foundation of the world"
(Eph. 1:4).
Both are true. Both are taught in the Bible. Both must be believed.

Luke 10:18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

John 12:31 Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.

Job 1:7 And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

Job 2:2 And the LORD said unto Satan, From whence comest thou? And Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! {O Lucifer: or, O day star}

Re 8:1 And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. When the Church awaken to the call of the Bride; and the Ekklesia stands up in love and unity and in love and begins to do the will of Father in earth as in heaven. When we take our authority in Christ... Then satan will be cast down from heaven !! No more will he be able approach the throne! Then at the seventh trumpet Yahshua will come! Gather us, and the Seventh Vial will then be pourn out on the wicked!

Agape, Sunny


The Temptation

For A deeper Look into The restoring Of The Kingdom, That's not a Paraphrase See:

The Restored Kingdom Mandate


The Kings Chapel

is a place for a more study, Chapter by Chapter, and Verse by Verse, And A good "History" study in the word. Starting with Genesis. And as You graze that pasture down to a nubbin, Remember to follow the Holy Spirit on to the next pasture. He's the Shepherd!(Teacher) Follow Him not man.

Kings Chapel

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