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In Remembrance of Thomas Yugi Adachi

This site is in remembrance of Thomas Yugi Adachi.

He and the crew of his C-130A Spectre Gunship went down over Laos in 1970.
On 8 November 1995, a group burial of the unidentifiable remains of the gunship
crew was held at Arlington National Cemetery.

While the United States Government considers these men to be "remains returned",
the families do not. They ask that Americans continue to wear their men's
POW/MIA bracelet and help them fight for an honorable accounting of them.

A man is not dead until he is forgotten.

I began wearing Tom's POW/MIA bracelet when I was 17, and continue to wear it.
Join me in remembering all of our men who have yet to come home.
Thank you,

My prayers go out to the families and men of the USS Cole. God Bless them all.

This site will participate in POW/MIA INTERNET BLACKOUT DAY
on February 1, 2001.

Click on the link to learn more and how to participate.
(link will open in new window)


Information on Loss



National POW/MIA Recognition Day

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Please sign Thomas Adachi's Guestbook

E-Mail Karen

<BGSOUND SRC="wsp.mid">

All images are believed to be public domain or used with the consent of the author.
If this is incorrect, please email the webmaster.
Website Design © 2000 Mike James.This Page updated 26 August 2000

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