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The Civic Action
Free University


A Selection of

Yahoo!'s Best

Civic Action, Community Service
and Development E-Mail Groups
Across the U.S.A. and Around the World

 >>>   Listed Alphabetically by Group Description   <<< 

Notes:   (1) These Groups have been chosen on the
basis of worthwhile content and competent management.
If you encounter any that have become catch-alls for
SPAM or other inappropriate content, please notify
the Facilitator of this page so the offending link(s)
can be removed.  (2) If you know about additional
Yahoo! Groups of similar types that should be
included, you are cordially invited
to suggest them.



ACORN Alerts

Against Hunger

Allegheny County ACORN

Alliance of Leaders Among the Youth -- University of the Philippines, Manila

Alternate Power

American University in Cairo -- The People of Joy

AmeriCorps Alumni and Members

ASHA Education for India's Underprivileged -- Boston Volunteers

ASHA Education for India's Underprivileged -- Silicon Valley Volunteers

Asian Alumni Network

Asian American LEAD

Association for Enterprise Opportunity -- Microenterprise Development

Association for India's Development -- Atlanta Chapter

Athens, Georgia, Living Wage Coalition

Atlanta Urban League Young Professionals

AUHabitat Volunteers

Austin Asian-American Chamber of Commerce

Austin Eco Network


BACDA, "Bakossi Cultural and Development Association" -- South West Province of Cameroon, West Africa

Bali, Cameroon Indigenes in California

Bombay College of Pharmacy Alumni

Bradley University Habitat for Humanity

Build-Com -- Citizen-Government Partnerships to Strengthen Urban Neighborhoods



Cambridge Microfinance / DVC Network

Car Free -- Reducing Reliance on Automotive Transport

Care and Kindness Society

CFDC of TC E-List

Chase College of Law Public Interest Group

Child Rights -- Sindh Journalists' Network for Children

City Club of Portland


COMSERV -- Student Volunteers, Office for Community Development, R.P. Catholic University of Santo Tomas

Community Developers

Community Development Banking

Community Development Information -- North West England

Community Harvest -- A Local, Washington, DC Nonprofit


Community Service Group Scotland



DC-Cares -- Community Service Volunteers from the Greater DC Area

De Colores

Delaware County Asset Development

DigitalCompassion -- Bangalore, India

DWW -- Doctors Worldwide



Earthlings United

East Nashville Credit Union

EcoSTEPS -- Australian/New Zealand Organization for Sustainability

e-Development eGroup

Edinburgh Green Drinks

Ending Poverty Campaign

Environment1 -- International Environmental Forum

Every Filipino



Family Economic Self-Sufficiency (FESS) Project -- National

Family Economic Self-Sufficiency (FESS) Project -- Maryland

Family Economic Self-Sufficiency (FESS) Project -- Oklahoma

Family Economic Self-Sufficiency (FESS) Project -- Virginia

FoodConcern -- The Food and Nutrition Group

For Mother Earth -- Disarmament, Ecology, and Human Rights


Global Rural Network

Greater Nashua Habitat for Humanity

GreenLeap -- Leapfrogging to an Ecologically Sustainable Economy

GrantSource -- Funding Opportunities for Non-Profit Organizations




Habitat for Humanity -- McGill Campus Chapter

Habitat for Humanity Special Interest Group

Help People Use the WWW
to Help People!


Helping Hand -- Islamic Circle of North America

High Institue of Public Health, Alexandria University, Egypt

Homeless Daily News

HUD -- Continuum of Care Support Group for Nonprofit Homeless and Housing Organizations

Human Development Foundation -- Community Development in Pakistani Communities

Hyderabad Sourashtra Association


IMPACT Michigan

India Development and Relief Fund

Indian Environment Online

Individuals for Voluntary Activities

Indus Foundation -- Civic and Community Services, and Political Awareness

International Education Networking

"International Volunteer" Newsletter

IRFF -- News From the NGO Community Around the World

ISABS -- Indian Society for Applied Behavioural Science, Hyderabad, India

IVA -- Individuals for Voluntary Activities




Johns Hopkins University Justice




KansaiLCT -- Kansai Language
and Culture Studies (Japan)


Kansas & Missouri Non Profit Network

KM Community of Practice
of Nepal



Land Trusts -- Working to Preserve Open Land

Latin American Law Students Association -- University of Pennsylvania Law School

Latino Student Union -- University of Maryland at College Park

Living Wage Coalition

LULAC Collegiate Council of Univ. of North Texas -- Hispanic Advocacy and Service Organization



Maryland ACORN

Michigan Community
Development Network


Midwestern Progressive


Mount Diablo Habitat
for Humanity


MUEVETE! The Boricua
Youth Conference




National Latina/o Law Students' Association

National Low Income Housing Coalition -- State Affiliates

National Service Network -- Forum for San Diego's AmeriCorps members

Neighborhood Congress

NetIP -- Cleveland

Network of Indian Professionals - Michigan Chapter

New South Wales Amnesty International News

NGO Forum on ADB


Nigerian Youth Action Network




OK Family Economic
Self-Sufficiency Project


OK Greens




PAACT Alliance for Service and Scholarship, University of Florida



Peace Corps Community Online

Peace Education Network at Teachers College, Columbia University

People and Planet -- Edinburgh University

Poverty News -- Addressing Poverty in Developing Countries

Professionals Actively Responding Today









Rag/Student Charity Appeal

Raleigh International Kuala Lumpur

Red Cross -- National University of Singapore Chapter

Royal Oak Jaycees

Rural Community Development Australia



SCSU Community Development: General

Services for International Cooperation

SHARENET -- For All Microfinance Professionals, Practitioners, Organizations, Donors and Consultants

Sierra Youth Coatlition -- Canadian National Youth Environmental Organization

Single Volunteers of Baltimore and Annapolis

Single Volunteers of Ohio

Single Volunteers of South Florida

Single Volunteers of Twin Cities

Solidarity -- Community Development, Social and Economic Justice, and Democracy

South Asia Citizens Wire (SACW)

Space to Grow Your Own -- The Right to Farm

Student Network

Students for Peace -- Intercollegiate Network

SUNY New Paltz Habitat for Humanity

Sustainable Projects Ireland Ltd.


Tech4Impact -- Helping Mission Based Organizations (Nonprofits, Schools, NGOs, etc.) Use Technology Effectively

Trinity College Volunteer Society

Twelve Volt DC Power





UMBmasspirg -- Environmental activism at U. Mass Boston

U.N. Online Volunteers

University of Minnesota Greens

University of the Philippines Manila College of Nursing

UNSW Environment Collective

Urban Community Development Society




Vermont Peace Academy

Vietnamese American Youth Organization -- Community Service Volunteer Group in Houston

Volunteer "Your Time -- Your Choice"

Volunteers for India Development and Empowerment




Washington DC Universities Students for Progress and Development in Iran

Western VISTAs

Women in Planning

World Peace Network -- Protecting Nature and
Promoting Peace





Xicotepec Project -- Puebla, Mexico




Young Nonprofit Professionals Network of Chicago

Young Latino Network -- Cleveland

Youth Action San Diego







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