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___Totem Poles are huge poles carved from wood by the Alaskans. They are made to tell the stories of their ancestors.

They often represent animals that the native cultures worship. Each part of the pole portrays a different part of the story.

The reason why the Alaskans make these poles is so that they don't forget the legends passed down from generation to

generation. Totem poles are like our books, because they don't have a alphabet so they carve out the pictures.

___The tribes that construct these are mostly found in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The tribes that make

totem poles in Alaska are the Tlingit, Tsimshian, and the Haida. The early totem poles were made by using rocks. Later,

they learned how to make steel knives. The best wood to make the poles are Cedar. Some totem poles span up to 60ft.

in the air. New totems are sporadically constructed, and older ones are desinigrating. This makes totem poles a rare item.

Totem poles come in many shapes and sizes. There are many books written on how to read totem poles.