.......................................................*DAiLy LifE*.............

*_* sO tHiS iS WhAT mY
.......LiFE's aBoOT.....

**November 20th..

Losing respect for people is never a good thing. Intention or not it always can be avoided. Lies Lies Lies...Telling me that they don't want to lie to me and the whole time they were. I don't get why guys do this. If you don't like a girl don't fill her with hope and stoopid feelings and trust. Well after meeting a guy that I thought was the best of the bunch..I was once again disappointed. Oh well life goes on and you learn a lesson each time. I guess I never felt so much like a fool. Atleast I can look forward to snowboarding with Robbie, Joel, and Andy. It will be glorious. The snow is really piling up. YEEEHHHAAAA!!!
**June 25th..

Why do I let myself be sooo STOOOPID!! I can't believe how dumb I am sometimes..I see things coming and I ignore my conscience screaming at me...NOOOO!!! BEWARE!! but all my heart does it DUH!! I'm soo crazy...let's be spontaneous and put myself on the line so people can just rip me to shreds and it never fails..I always get burned..tisk tisk..when will i ever learn...I need to stop being so passionate..I need to disappear for awhile...go to a distant land..can i go to korea bryan?? I need to get sane...
**May 13th..

I've been watching a lot of movies lately as usual and I have also been very busy with school. Eversince my backpacking adventure to the ocean I have been way behind in my art classes. I have been staying up til four in the morning each night and have been waking up at 7 or 8. i have so much to say but it's three in the morning and i'm exhausted. I'll talk about my many adventures later...night...

**August 11th..
it's 8 o'clock in the morning and i can't sleep..BAH!! well i had a good time this weekend but i think the funnest part of it was the beverage war and pretzle fight with shawn :), the hugs from heather and harrison :)..,and dancin with my sis ...well this is my review:
Bus 17: i thought that these guys were adorable...love to watch ya dance jason. Overall i thought they were pretty good :)
ryan cockrel: i dunno about this kid. i'm sorry but i wasn't feelin it yo. his voice was way out of whack and yeah he had a big crowd but it started to disappear once everyone heard him!! dude i left to get a sobe..
VERON PORTER: it's all about the sick guitar, russ and the "robbi"...:)..he's just spazing out ..not a care in the world. Very enjoyable!
KANE HODDER: they are always fucken awesome!! yeah the band is full of hotness...ha haa tim...great job on the drums..and andy dances like no other mofo...sexy...very...:)

**June 21st...

i am so not working on this sight....haa haa ...but hey no one really goes on it...i have all summer to catch up and finish things though...it's beena slow and long process i'd say...my birthday was ok...watched donnie darko and it reminded me of tom...we were suppose to watch it together...never got the chance...i miss tom :(...yeah he sent me the cutest thing...he sent me the sunshine:)...THANK YOU!!

**May 2nd...

i had two tests today...blah blah blah...i think i did ok but i know i suck oh well...as for work yesterday my boss said she had to talk to me first thing before work and i was like OH NO!! i thought i had done another thing that bothered them!! but right when i thought she hated me and was going to fire me..she actually congradulated me on a very extrodinary job on the secret shopper..which i was surprised about because secret shoppers test you while they shop but no one knows that they are testing the workers and i got a 5 ..that's the highest you can get..and my boss was so surprised because playland never gets shopped at by them..i guess the they must've saw me with the kids on the floor playing and really was impressed on how well i got along with the kids...so i got a 5 star rating for playland...YEAH!!

**April 12nd...
i stayed up til 10 at night ...woke up again at two thirty in the morning and haven't gone to bed yet...it is now ten in the morning!! ahhh!!!..i added some NEW THINGS!!Please CHECK IT OUT!!....there's a new fashion design page for me and marcee and there are also A LOT!! of pictures that i ADDED in the photoshoot!! i wrote this twice just in case you don't get the message...DUMBO!!...just kiddin...yeah i didn't get to bed until one in the afternnon...and then i only slept for a good two hours then i was off to incubus ...which was a good show i might add...hee hee..but i think i liked the lighting the most...well not more then the music..but you know...the band also has a real good energy when they perform...it was another great show...even though i had seen them twice before...brandon also dances cool..hee hee that was immaturely said..well night...i have to sleep...four in the morning you know....
**March 11th...
i haven't been really up to writing...i have wrote some new poems but mostly i have just been drawing...and working on other things...

***I wrote this***

Souls weaving in and out of life,
trying to find an end....
but all are fringed...

***I wrote this***

Rough as the jagged edges
I run my finger across its surface...

Feeling it's truth of reality
seeing its true shape and form.

*By rHoDOra jAcOB