From Website "Bab Al Ouria"

(Translated From French-Arabic To English)

At first, before speaking about homosexuality, it is necessary to know that the life of a Moslem, a believer and a follower, is governed by a meticulous legislation " Chariâ ". They are laws based on the interpretation at the same moment of the word of the God, registered in the Koran (sacred and divine book of the Moslems) and custom of its Seer Mohamed (Sunna), the main source of which is "said" ( Hadith) of the Seer and its gestures.One distinguishes, however, the "Sunnites" who are the partisans of " Sunna " contrary to the "Shiites" who worship rather his(her) son-in-law " Ali ". The sexual question does not escape the interpretation by these texts.

To approach the position which take the Islamic legislators ( Oulama = savants=théoligiciens of the Islam) Face to face of the homosexuality, it is necessary to clean(clarify) the glance which they concern the (heterosexual) "normal" sexuality. Above all it is necessary to know that any sexual relation should be made within the framework of the sacred and divine link of the marriage. Quite other act except this frame is reprehensible. " The fornication " is a major sin which can go to the stoning of the culprits and the culprits. On the other hand few religions value as much the carnal sensual delight as the Islam. The sexual pleasure considered at the Christians as an original sin, becomes for the Islam a gift(donation) which it is advisable to accept, to enjoy it and to admit it body and soul. (The examples do not miss, among others, the polygamy, with limitations however, and the marriage of enjoyment)At the same time this act is considered as a religious act, because in the Islam the coupling up aims not only at the reproduction but it shows as well the harmony of the divine order, the distinction of which enters male and the feminine and their complementarity establish(constitute) the elementary base. " Of any thing(matter) one made(did) a couple. You can remember it " (Extracted from the Koran, Sourat 51, Adh-Dhâriyât, the verse 49) So the chastity and the celibacy are diabolized: " the bachelor is the brother of the devil " ( the Seer Mohamed) Because it amounts to refrain from testifying of the flesh of this harmony of the creation. In this respect the homosexuality, but especially more exactly " the efféminat " of certain homosexuals, as the virility of the garçonne, are considered as a malpractice of the borders among man and woman and thus a violation of this harmony. The Koran approaches the homosexuality among others by condemning the people of Loth (or loût, populate with Sodom and Gomorrah) in their sexual practices, but however more moderately than in the biblical version.So in Sourat An-Naml (ants) verses (54-57) Loût, when he says to his people: " you deliver you to the turpitude while you see clear ". (54) You go to the men(people) instead of women to quench your desires? You are rather ignorant people. " [55] Then his(her) people had only this answer: " Please, expel from your town Loût's family! Because it is people who affect the purity. (56) We saved him(it) as well as the family, except his wife for whom We had determined that she(it) would be of the number of the exterminated. " [57] These verses were revealed to the Seer Mohamed by separate fragments. The term " Tajhaloun " means "ignoring" what eases, according to certain authors, some part, " the moral stain victims of which are the homosexuals " and let entr' perceive that the punishment which is imposed on them is mainly due to the fact which it denied(contradicted) " a messenger of God ". The example " of the people of Loth is mentioned àce title in several verses of the Koran. So in Sourat ( 7 ) of Al-Arâf ( 80-82 ) he appears between the " examples " of the people of the " Seer Salah " and the people Madyan and their " their brother Chouayb ", two peoples who broke the recommendations of their Messengers. And Loût, when he says to his people: " You deliver you to this turpitude that nobody, among the worlds, committed before you? [80] Certainly, you quench your carnal desires with the men(people) instead of the women! You are indeed exaggerated people. " [81] And for any answer, his(her) people were only saying: " Expulsez-of your town. It is people who want to beware pure! " [82] Musrif " in Arabic mean " godless and exaggerated " while the rule(ruler) in Islam, generally, is moderation. On the other hand, The Koran promises to the believers that in the paradise they will be served by éphèbes (says himself of the very beautiful young man, originally the Greek teenager who made(did) his sports and civil service before entering the adulthood " éphébie ").

Poêtes and sultans did not stop calling upon these promises to justify the illicit relations which they maintained. But for most part of " Oulamas " there is not to look for an interpretation deeper than for that mentioned: " The homosexuality is the turpitude of the turpitude ", The condemnation is thus clear and net. For Sunna, the condemnation of the pédérastie is categorical: " When you find two men(people) carrying out Loth's sin, put to death them, the passive as the asset(active person) " ( the Seer Mohamed). ... This " hadith " leaves no other appeal to the Sunnites that the refusal(discharge) of the homosexual practices.

Nevertheless, such a condemnation so heavy as the "fornication" between two adults ( homme+femme ) adulterous does not take itself without thinking. Such a charge of "fornication" requires the testimony of Moslem, male, major four worthiness of which the testimoniale is recognized. And which(who) should give evidence to have seen the action of penetration of the sexual member of the "fornicator". Everything is thus done to discourage the testimony and especially the slander. What lets augur that some practise ( Soft) escape(1from) this extreme rule(ruler). On the other hand, for certain branches of the Islam, it is the broadcast(emission,issue) of the sperm that determines the sexual act more than the penetration itself because it is the sperm which contains the germs of life and it is him who assures(insures) the continuance of this harmony of Creation.

Any company of this source of life, in a begetting outside the frame of the sacred link of the marriage, is austerely condemned. Given that the homosexual act is not susceptible to engender the life, several persons adapted some sort of the homosexuality there.

Moreover the homosexual practices are less badly seen than the adultery to some of these companies(societies).To the reader of these lines, it would seem that these texts deal with the sexual act in all these details but leave more or less wide margins of interpretation and accommodation. The homosexuality represents 10 % of the world population for those which do not hide any more, And one can count 15 and 17 % on the whole. Certain customs or religions or even laws, in certain countries of which our oblige the silence and the secret, but let us not deny him(it) they exist by the nature even if the "normality" created by the Man throws back(rejects) them: if they are there, it is because Allah allowed it. And if Allah allowed that they are on the earth(ground) with us to all, I do not think whether it is so that one has of the hatred for them. Allah wanted that beings are different, certainly to learn us to like more than ourselves.

Moslem, believing the words should not separate the human beings. Without deepening(fathoming) the Freudian arguments, by bending over the Moslem companies(societies) one notices that males(mates) live in a system pillars of which they are. The homosexuality remains the only release for those whom the surplus of virility blocks. It is necessary to say that the segregation between the sexes and the ban on any report before the marriage, is only strengthening this tendency. Especially since, as everywhere in the Mediterranean Sea, only are pejoratively considered as homosexuals the passive partners while assets(active persons) develop a reputation of overflowing(brimming) virility which brings them the consideration and the respect of the others sometimes.

This glance which carries(wears) the company(society) the virility provokes sometimes ironic reactions: The active partners are obliged to adopt sometimes behavior depreciating face to face passives which can go to the humiliation in front of the heterosexuals. Homosexuals' qualifiers and bisexual are so completely denied to avoid any suspicion of sentimentalism questioning their virility. So the relations amounts in most of the cases to simple reports(connections) of satisfaction of the sexual needs. Quite in secret, because the homosexuality is legally forbidden by the law, but however tolerated if it remains discreet. The feelings are so compromised and revoked, and thus quite other living environment in common, in couple is completely excluded by the company(society). In the traditionalist circles profoundly connected with the religion, the passives are consid\érés as lower, immature persons, and simple-minded. Whereas assets(active persons) are treated(handled) with cattle and with pervert. Between the refusal(discharge) of the religion and that of the company(society) the Arabic homosexual prefers to stay in the wall cupboard to avoid this pejorative and shameful judgment, his fate is the forced marriage or the solitude and the depression and in borderline cases the suicide. Only the persons of the very easy(well-to-do) spheres of the company(society) can "assert("consider") this membership, but they remain cloistered in their private circles. In the case of " Beurs ", Frenchman of origin from the Maghreb generally, in this refusal(discharge) of the family and the "fellow men" is transplanted the refusal(discharge) of the company(society) as foreigner!! " And the risk increasing some disease. The homosexual " Beur " is so without "roots" nor "hopes". Lately this " Community began to get organized to take out in the day and claim their rights for the gratitude(recognition). But if this call(appeal) does not find echos at the North Africans of France, these homosexuals risk to shut up themselves in a ghetto as the other homosexual communities. In conclusion, the homosexuality knew periods less stressful than nowadays. The Arabian - Moslem companies(societies) did not stop accommodating the application of " Chariâ " to their way of life and their aspiration.

The emergence from time to time common(current) fundamentalists who do not admit this context questions this evolution. The homosexuality does not escape this rule(ruler) of balance between firmness and tolerance (nevertheless marginalized). She(it) existed and she(it) will always exist. But it is necessary can be to wait trés for a long time to see a frank gratitude(recognition) of the homosexuals in the Arabian - Moslem countries.

To replace the debate in another context, it needs I indeed think of considering that the religions - Islam or Christianity - define standards which aim at leading(driving) the individual to the holiness. If all men(people) - even simply all the Moslems or all the Christians - were saints, one would have noticed it for a long time and the humanity would not be there where it is there!!!

The respect for the carnal prohibitions is thus only one of the aspects of the search(research) for the holiness, it is far from being the only one and it is not probably the most important. The own of the sins bound(connected) to this aspect of things it is because they are measurable and dénombrables while such is not the case of the recommendations in love of his(her) fellow man, charity, even simple respect for the good of others, any domains where one finds easily classifications with his(her) consciousness!! One will allow me to think that the exploitation of the misery of the men(people) - even conjugated with the assistance(audience) to the mass or the respect for the sharia - is infinitely more reprehensible than the fact for two men(people) to like itself quite freely among them.


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