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experiment #1~ . . . "will you marry me?"

thank ben for the idea of doin this (im givin u credit) and thank lawrence for the question . . hehe
devil x rai: will u marry me?
smeza1081: Umm..what will Ryan say?
smeza1081: I'm not to sure he would like that
devil x rai: thanx for thee response =)
devil x rai: thatz all i wanted . . .
devil x rai: ehehhe
smeza1081: Why do you ask?
smeza1081: Do want to ge married?
devil x rai: ahaha =)
devil x rai: nah itz just this experiment thing
smeza1081: Okay...Well if it helps.if you and Ryan weren't seein each other then my answer would be yes!!!:-D
~* first hesitation . . well . . so since he knoz about ryan . . . but wat if he didnt!?!? and only does a yes appear after i tell him itz an experiment =)

devil x rai: will u marry me/?
ShadowKn55: sure
ShadowKn55: if it doesnt work out, we can always get a divorce
~* well . . he first acceptz~ . . . and then rethinkz . . . well ok . . i guess . .

devil x rai: will you marry me?
PsYcHo YoSHi: who are you?
PsYcHo YoSHi: hello =)
PsYcHo YoSHi: hello?
devil x rai: hi =) . . i just wanted a response .. no worries . .sorrie
PsYcHo YoSHi: of course I would like to marry you =)
~* confusion?? . . well i am who i am . . . and i am also ur gf rite? . . . well i guess this answer doez make me happy =) hehe

devil x rai: will u marry me??
VgiRL637KP: huh?
VgiRL637KP: did you type this message to the wrong person?
~* no i didnt!! . . u questioned my proposal to u!! . . . awww . . .

devil x rai: will u marry me??
maru816: hai
maru816: te doshitano?
maru816: iwaretano???
devil x rai: chigau . . tada response ga hoshikattano
maru816: ahahaha stupid senpai
devil x rai: gaaan . . .
maru816: ahahahahahaha
~* at least her first response waz a yes =) awww . . . daisuki sa kouhai!! . . . but i dont think normal ppl ask . . . and then she callz me stupid . . . and laffz . . . well~

devil x rai: will you marry me??
Slurppie82: what the facheezy
devil x rai: aahhahaha!!!!
devil x rai: i waz doin the same thing as ur honey
Slurppie82: satomi?
Slurppie82: have you been drinkning your parents japanese booze
~* no i havent . . i am quite sober today . . . and wat the fachee . . wat??? . . . lame~!!! hahha

devil x rai: will you marry me??
red3two: yada
red3two: chiho to nara
~* straight out no . . . rejected~~ . . . well duh i knew that answer but hey~. . . oshiawaseni~ kono chiho labulabu seijin me . . . i want her too!! (>v<)/ hahah

devil x rai: will you marry me/?
tierra817: :-[
tierra817: iyadesu
~* or so i thot . . . after a blush she rejects me too~ . . awww . . hahahhaa . . well u guyz just have to shatter my pride~ jk =) wat pride do i have?

devil x rai: will you marry me??
aZnCuTiE6: i don't think that would work
~* aww . . y not?? . . . r u too good for me?? hehehe . . or r u already taken?? . .o iz that it~

devil x rai: will you marry me?
kRayZiEjpnZ: ummmmmm
kRayZiEjpnZ: sure
kRayZiEjpnZ: .........
~* thinkz about it . . then yes!! aww =) yay~ . . . and then therez that silence where hez too embarrased . . aww . . how qute~ . . . aha =) ya rite . . . im sorrie dont get mad at me pleaz!!!

devil x rai: will you marry me?
AlabasterSF: huh?
AlabasterSF: ???
~* . . . r u still confused? . . . ok i just asked u to marry me . . ok?? . . o i c . . . ur too into sumone else ic =)

devil x rai: will you marry me?
Mighty1005: excuse me?
Mighty1005: youre weird
Mighty1005: well i gotta get to bed so i will talk to you later
Mighty1005: nite nite
~* i kno im weird . . how long haz she known me?? a really long while . . . and then she getz scared and runz away . . aww . . . gnite~

devil x rai: will you marry me?
sillyaudi: nope. im a girl its not legal.
~* (-o-)~ . . . well ya . . . i guess . . . awww . . . a straight out no . . . with a good reason . . . but wat if it were legal? . . . audii~~!!!!

devil x rai: will you marry me?
ChuXteRizeD: sup
ChuXteRizeD: who is this?
ChuXteRizeD: does that say "WILL YOU MARRY ME"
ChuXteRizeD: b/c i can't read it that well
~* . . . eh?? . . . nuthin mucho here . . . umm . . . itz me . . and yes it sayz wat u think it sayz . . . itz ok . . .but waz that a yes or a no or a maybe so??

devil x rai: will you marry me?
ooOMiHOoo: no
ooOMiHOoo: where did that come from?
~* from the bottom of my heart of course~ . . . but a flat out no . . . aww . . . my heart iz broken~ . .ahhhaa

devil x rai: will u marry me?
JOE4HO: when
JOE4HO: :-)
JOE4HO: so what up
~* oke? . . . ur askin for a date already?? . . . but i think he wanted to get off the subject . . . hey at least the first thing he said waz an ok~

devil x rai: will u marry me?
chnghn83: ...
chnghn83: do u have $?
chnghn83: jk
devil x rai: nice response =)
chnghn83: did i hurt ur feelings?
chnghn83: its just that i hear this question so often
chnghn83: hah
~* hez the type of person to marry for money . . . man i forgot to nominate him for senior superlativez . . . and hez also so popular . . . damn . . too good for me

devil x rai: will u marry me?
Angeluvxyz: sure
Angeluvxyz: but we'll have to go to new york or sumthin
Angeluvxyz: where's it legal, n e wyz??
Angeluvxyz: we could be life partners
~* awwww~~!!!! she said yes!! and she haz it all good too . . . ny soundz good . . life partnerz . . . =)awwwww . . .

devil x rai: will u marry me?
I Am Psychopyro: of course
~* yes!!! . . . thanx =) . . . hey and thanx for inspiring me to ask this particular question . . =) i remember that time u did it to me in skool~ =)haha i waz soo confused . . .

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