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> poemz that i really like . . .
by ppl i really luv~

thiz iz by ryan~!!

thiz one by justina . . . she iz soo good (^-^)

rain fell last night- quiet, gentle rain
that tapped against my widow pane
and called me back from troubled sleep,
to soothe a heart too numb to weep.

my loneliness was too deep and real,
and like a wound that would not heal,
it throbbed within me, and i knew
my arms were empty without you.

but as i listened to the sound
of soft rain falling on the ground,
i heard your voice, tender and clear,
call my name, and oh my dear,
i threw my window open wide,
to let the sweet rain rush inside.
it kissed my lips, my eyes, my hair,
and love, i knew that you were there.
tears that my heart could not release
fell down from Heaven, bringing peace.
last night while gray clouds softly wept,
i held you in my arms and slept.

herez another one by her . . .

the inner torment
threatens to untangle
its inner mysteries
to me

so quiet on the outside
but screaming silently
with wounded inner pain
tortured screams never heard

always outwardly smiling
but crying inside
constant tears
never stopping
only hiding...

now i find
i'm turning inside out
so please may
god forgive
my angry outbursts
or whatever they may be

i don't feel guilty
i never will....
when i scream
i'll know i'm heard
when i cry
you'll know its real

when i say i'm angry
i hope you listen
no more will my inner self
be bound by self containment
screaming silently unheard
by all

this iz by roger~ . . . i think it waz a class assignment =) . . hehe =) but itz kewl newayz =)

A Careful Plan

Once more,
as before,
I imagine a sea of liquid tranquility
and beaches of threadbare sails
beckoning softly in the dusk.
This is where it will happen.
Upon the glimmering walkway of sand,
down by the play of the water
under the watchful arms of the trees
is where I will make my home.

Away from this place,
this torrent and turbulence of the day,
its repressive hulk
slithering through the bars in this cold,
cold chamber.
I will leave,
and set to plan.

I scrawl the directions
with a stump of coal.
Trace the paths with the delirium
stocked and packaged over the years.
Then fabricate my hut with pebbles and
sticks of hay,
and am soon finished.

I look to admire the work
my path to the garden of forever,
my modest hut on the beach.
When I find the sun has set too soon,
the trees are tangled masses of limbs,
the stagnant water has
surrendered its frolic to my lone causeway.
Only now
only now
it leads not to the sea,
not to the sunset of tomorrow,
but painfully, slowly,
it leads to my tattered sails
my ailing vessel nodding towards the ground
and to the drowning sun.

erick's work . . . hez an artist in many wayz . . . i luv hiz art work and hiz poemz =)

24 ticks of the clock,
the world turns one revolution,
one young head learns searchin for the solution as knowledge is the key,
unlocking doors,
opening to new floors,
go see what your tomarrow is in store for,
come take a tour to where knowledge'll take you,
unlock the gates and reach for the next mindstate,
reach new heights elevate, be hungry salvate,
get into the details elaborate,
stimulate your mind and reach,
appreciate the strife times and reach,
accumulate the knowledge,
keep it going and just reach,
live love and laugh,
appreciate the what you had,
and the support,
love and friends you have,
but never forget mom dad and your family,
they are the ones who pushed and gave you the energy to live on,
so appreciate and and continue to live on.

bak home