Mind Spit

This is probably the only serious section throughout my site.
It features opinionated/topical writings and just general ranting, I wouldn't be surprised if a few
are conspiracy theories. Most of the participents are me but hopefully some other people will be
inspired and hop on the band wagon. Some of the writings quite possibly are offending so if youre
naive or easily offended, use some common sense and don't read them.

latest spittings:
9.12.03 - American Indifference & Society's Pressure

American Indifference

Detect Your Liberty

Society's Pressure

Yo submit your writing of one or more of these topics or something completely of your own,
please send cash or money order of some ungodly amount to this email address at which time
I will unwillingly and painstakenly translate it into gibberish. Sorry, no CODs.