Kenny Roughsteaks Quotes

All of your favorite quotes from one of our drunken late night escapades, captured here for all of us to enjoy and reminisce.


New Quotes

"Dude, you still smell like strippers." - Scott

"This girl ain't never seen Southern Hospitality when it's going in the other direction." - Randy

"You wants to see a woman F' a donkey" - Scott

"Well, you can come dance at my friends club. Its in his apartment and I'll even bring a bottle of alcohol." - Brad

"Welcome to Bowl Talk, the lines are open." - Ed Hajas

"I have to go to the bathroom... but I don't want to leave you." - Scott

Old Quotes

"There is no 'I' in bowl." - Brad

"You might fart, gamble, and lose."

"I had a brief facination with Jonny Bravo." - Jeremy Duval

"gooottta lock up, gooottta lock up." - Scott

"i'm in jail, i don't belong in jail...dude put something black on and come break me out." - Scott

"my antidrug is first base" - Scott

"it ain't ________" (fill in the blank with what it ain't) - Scott

"shit yeah wes" -randall pink

"hey, let me teeellll you somethin." - mechanicsville, va

"hope you die, zzzzztttt" - lightning monster

"i would f the shit out of dave matthews" - brad and dan

"i have to take a groaner myself...either that or may enormous prostate and bladder are planning a coup d' tah on Gen. brain and adm. Heart" - Dan

"Her pulling the plug was like he ring leader closing the big top right before the dancing bear was got to strut his stuff." - Dan

"Not telling me that i have a small penis for three years to not hurt my feelings, is just like me not telling her she has a fat ass for three years not to hurt hers." - Dan

"My anti-drug is marijuana." - Mark

"Do you like my Italian manhood?" - Dan

"So AL-pplesauce, you ever toss some salad?" - Brad

"Did you ever get so drunk you thought you could suck the best dick?" - Dan

"This is my napkin. Its covered in ether." - Brad

"In the middle of Mexico you have mormons plowing fields with square tires." - Brad

"Ever jerk off with your left hand cause it feels like someone else?" - Dan

"While I'm here, I might as well pick up something for myself." - Theif (In Randy's voice)

"If it lays down and doesn't move, then it's just like you." - Dan

"Why are there no good looking guys in porn?" - Brad

"My other anti-drug is murder." - Mark

"Excuse me, do you provide services?" - Brad

"She was in my top three girls I'd marry. - Mark "Well, now she'll have to be in the top three you'd have an affair with." - Brad

"I'm going to the bear pits tomorrow." - Tafford

"The best thing about Japanese girls is that they're all Asian." - Dan