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About the Cast....
When I have Pictures to post of the characters I will do so....untill then, get a grip or buy a comic!

This is Lenore. A cute innocent....uh....dead girl. Accident prone at that. And her accidents never harm her, mind you. They are always accidents that condem people to horrible fates, or something along those lines. But since shes so cute we can just forgive her! Who couldn't forgive such a cute girl...holding a dead cat...I know I can forgive and forget.
Lenore is haunted by an admirer whome she kills often. Mr. Gosh(whom I will talk about later) constantly pesters this poor girl until she has to throw 8" blades at his head. And then he comes back for more...when will he learn?

Ahhhh....poor Mr. Gosh. His many attempts to win over the love of his life have all failed. Also they usually ended with some very neccisary violence. When will he ever learn that when a girl says not they mean "...come back one more time and I'll kill you......again." He completely adores Lenore, but don't we all? I think he tries just a bit too hard.