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Outer Space

Author: Darkone
Warning: Yaoi!
Disclaimer: None of GW is mine. :(

4 months prior to present. L-2 Colony.

"Where the hell is he, you fucking bastard!" Heero screamed to his helpless victim.

"I... I don't know," he uttered in pain.

The boy was on his knees, begging for his abuser to stop this madness. Heero had kneed him in the stomach so hard; the boy threw up blood. They were at a darkened corner of an alley of the reservoir, just outside the district. There was really no one in plain sight. They were alone and the ones who were there at the reservoir, HE had already disposed of. In all the confusion, he could still see a small jeep in the corner of his eye. Maybe twenty yards away from where he was. He was tempted to flee, but he knew he would not succeed. Not in the hands of Heero Yuy, the perfect soldier. Not with his super human strength. He knew that he would have surely been killed in the process. His attacker leaned forward to face him. He had no trace of emotion on his face whatsoever. Not even the faint shimmer of guilt for the merciless beating, or even the opposite of it.

He spoke again, "I asked you before, and I'll gladly say it again. Where is he?" he demanded. There was silence. The boy didn't say a word. He only stared at his powerful attacker. Heero began to feel agitated by this quiet remark. "Fine, if that's the way you want it," he rose to his feet and turned his back on the boy. He walked forward to the small sack on the ground that he carried along with him. He pulled out a small contraption. It was quite fascinating, really, the small little gadget he produced from his sack. He approached the boy again, who now lay on his stomach flat on the ground, unable to move from all the pain. He bent forward, his right knee touching the pavement. He held the small contraption with his left hand and placed it in front of the boy, so that he could see what it was. It was the remote to detonate the bomb that his attacker had planted around the vicinity. He spoke softly this time, being careful not to get angered more than he already had, "I'll give you one last chance. As you know there are bombs planted all over the reservoir. This is the remote detonator for them. I press this little button here," he pointed to the small green button on the contraption, "and it will go off. Now, if you don't want to die out here in the middle of no where, YOU tell me where he is, or I'll have to press the button," he said so firmly with a touch of agitation in his tone.

"I...I can't, sir. No, I'm not permitted to tell you," the boy said nervously.

"Just tell me where the fuck that son of a bitch went to and I'll let you go," he said in a stern voice.

The boy hesitated and then looked at his attacker again, " must promise to give me leave."

He looked at the boy for a quick moment and said, "Of course. Just give me what I want and I'll give you what you want. You needn't be worried, I keep my word."

The boy studied him for a moment to see if he was telling the truth. He looked into the other young man's eyes but saw nothing that could give a faint sign of his honesty. But he decided to trust him; after all, he is protecting the girl, is he not? "All right. I'll tell you. He is back in Earth. He is in the Pacific with a man called Howard. Please, I beg you, don't tell him of my disloyalty. If he finds out it will be the end of me," he said so nervously he was about to pass out not only from the pain inside him but also from the fear of the dilemma.

Heero rose to his feet and picked up his sack. He spoke with no trace of emotion in his tone, "All right. Good. Don't worry I won't say anything to your master," with that he left the boy in the alley. He walked towards his motorbike hiding behind the garbage container. In a few moments he was gone from the boy's sight.


Heero arrived in the spaceport. He had his fake I.D. pass with him and had already had his clearance checked. Heero sat on an empty seat near the window of the spacecraft. He was thinking to himself, 'I'm here again. I'm back in Earth. I never thought I'd be back here again. I must find HIM again. I must talk to HIM again. It's been almost a month since I've talked to HIM. Since I've seen HIM. I don't get it. Why am I doing this? Why am I pursuing HIM? There's something about HIM. HE has me trapped. But I can't escape, no. Not yet. I need HIM.

He moved forward, looking at the person in front of him. He didn’t know who the person was but he looked interesting enough. It was very peculiar for him to do this. He wasn’t really the type to pursue anything, especially anyone. But it was just something he needed to do. He NEEDED to see HIM. It’s interesting, really. But what can he do about it? He was caught up in HIS spell and he couldn’t get out.

“Excuse me, sir.” The receptionist replied to the young man.

Heero looked up at the woman standing behind the desk, “Yes?”

“Can I please see your boarding pass, sir?”

“Sure,” he replied.

Heero had arrived in the space harbor early that evening and was headed to his hotel. He picked up his luggage and caught the next taxi. Heero felt that someone had been following him ever since he landed in Los Angeles, California. He had seen someone follow him from the space harbor. That same person followed him to the hotel. He didn’t seem to care too much about the situation. He just thought to deal with the problem when it landed in his hands. Right now, he just wanted to rest. The trip to Earth was long and tiring. He had a lot to do the next day and he wanted to get as much rest as possible before the ‘real’ business began.


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