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undefined Sakura Fire - Version: School is Out w00t!
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Since July 14, 2001
[ News & Updates ]

May 11, 2002: Back from a long break.. - By: Jennifer

*comes out with bum clothes on* All I gotta say is.. sorry...... .....sorry.. True, we were on hiatus for a month, but then we got lazy(expecially me) and then Jaimie has a lot of other sites to update too so it's mostly my fault. Anyway, were back and ready to update! Thats the good news... =)

May 11, 2002: Content is up - By: lalavietgirl

Right. All the content is up and organized, but as you can see, there are still some links to be made. o_o There are a few glitches here and there, but those will be fixed soon. Also, Jenn will update soon... sometime... *nudges* .-. Yeah. We're really sorry for not updating since last August. ^^; That's all for now!

May 11, 2002: New Layout - By: lalavietgirl

Yay, new layout. *waves flags* Woohoo. .-. Umm... Yes. This is what an update thing looks like. Kinda. Huh? Oh well, whatever. xD

The anime series of Cardcaptor Sakura and Cardcaptors are (c) to CLAMP, Nelvana, Kodansha, EMOTION, and all other rightful owners. All writtent content/graphics/images are (c) to this site unless otherwise stated. Plagiarizing is untolerable at this site.