The Quiet Room

A tranquility, and a restlessness. A peace. Accept... Zeal. Forgiveness. Trust. Loyalty. Anger. Authority...Power.
Majesty. Humility. Death.
Swirls of everything. Nothing in words can describe, or do justice. No images, though it may be worth a thousand words, as they say. No pictures, images, words...thoughts, or perhaps one feeling, or concept... but even that will be found lacking.
Nothing can and nothing will contain God. You are not in control. God is. And God will pervade the world, for God created the world, and it is His. And God loves, and God hates. God is not indifferent. Love the person, hate the sin. And to those who turns back to God, to live is Christ, and to die is gain... you look up from the scroll...
Did you realise that you picked up the scroll on the table? Did you realise there WAS a small wooden table, roughly put together, unstained wood and thick rusted nails? Do you realise what this scroll is?

A view of Eden