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city of SEX and DRUGS and ROCK and ROLL

City of Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll.

But only if you know the right places...

This is your inside guide to the city,

that will make everyone´s dream come true.

  Touristguides will give you images like this.

And indeed, Amsterdam is a beautifull old city.

But around almost every corner there is a surprise.

Surprises no photo can capture.

  This site is dedicated to your traveling pleasure.

When you come to Amsterdam, come prepared.

With us at hand, you will find whatever you wish..

For Amsterdam is Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll.

SEX hetero, gay, prostitution, swinging, sm, fetish...

DRUGS hemp, xtc, cocaine, mushrooms, herbs...

ROCK and ROLL hardrock, house, dance, ambiant, jazz...

