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Welcome to the Home of Chaos

My Home Page

Most Recent Update:

The Most recent update can be found at my other website. Also, I added a picture I drew to distract everyone who finds the picture on top of this page scary.

My initial reason for having this site is below. Now it's mostly fun stuff for me in question answer format that I hope other people will enjoy.

I get this feeling like I'm asked the same questions, over and over. And I feel bad when I know I've answered them already for people, and it's clear they've forgotten. Not that because you're here this applies to you, but just so you realize why the site exits.

The Things I'm Frequently Asked Questions about

The Message Boards of Chaos

Sign My Guestbook

View The GuestBook

The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most

My Livejournal
My Friend's Livejourals
My Pokemon Website
htmlGEAR - free polls, guestbooks, and more!

If I've forgotten any good questions or answers, let me know.
