Modified: June 19, 2003
Where is John Hagelin's Loyalty?
Check out this C-SPAN clip of the Independence Party
Rally in New York City Sunday 7/23/2000 - Note that there appears to be about
50 people there. Note also that John Hagelin looks neither youthful
nor fit. What ever happened to that promising career he had or to the
"perfect health in the direction of immortality" of which Maharishi
has spoken so often? For that matter, where was the mention of Maharishi
at all? Is that not where Dr. Hagelin's loyalty lies?
C-SPAN video clip
This is the form which "Governors of the Age of Enlightenment" were
to send to Maharishi once per month:
Governor's Personal Monthly Report
These are the forms filled out by new TM "initiates" during their
4 day instruction:
Initiation Day
First Day Following Initiation
Second Day Following Initiation
Third Day Following Initiation
This is a from an issue of The Indian Express published late in
1980 during Maharishi's Vedic Science Course in Delhi, India.
The page is scanned in in four quadrants. Note the reference
to the Shrutis and the Smritis. Additional explanation may be
found at
The Laws of Manu: The Maharishi's Natural Law
<-- Upper Left |
| Upper Right -->
<-- Lower Left |
| Lower Right -->
Here are excerpts from The Vedas, the scriptures of Hinduism.
They are taken from materials supplied to TM-Sidhis Program course
participants and are read or chanted in The Golden Domes of Pure Knowledge
on the Maharishi University campus during the twice daily compulsory
attendance and performance of the TM and TM Sidhis programs by all
students, faculty, and staff:
Rig Veda - 9th Mandala - Front Cover
This is Maharishi's dead master, to whom ritual performances are made
and to whom offerings are made during each personal instruction in TM.
Rig Veda - 9th Mandala - Inside Front Cover
Rig Veda - 10th Mandala - Verses From A Sample Hymn
Also from the 10th Mandala of the Rig Veda,
here is the scriptural description of The Thousand Headed Purusha.
This is the name of His Holiness' monastic program for men.
Over the years
this group of devotees has provided much of the manpower
for operating the machinery of Maharishi's organizations.
Here are several pages from The World Government News from February,
1978. Note on page 4 the corset-like "Maharishi Effect" imposing
coherence on the collective consciousness of the family of nations.
This demeans and degrades the genuine efforts of good people everywhere
in favor of an arrogant, paternalistic, and highly unrealistic sense
of the importance of the capabilities of The World Government of the
Age of Enlightenment.
From Maharishi University of Management WORLD magazine from Spring, 1996:
The parents and teachers of
Iowa's best and brightest are deceived into exposing their children
to a weekend's immersion at Maharishi Univerisity of Management.
ITAG Conference
Here is an advertisement by Maharishi University to learn "The
Eternal Language of the Vedic Literature", the Hindu scriptures.
A comparison with the ancient language course descriptions from any
normal university clarifies the religious and devotional orientation
of MUM.
Study Sanskrit
For a paltry $2950.00 you can have this wondrous model to gaze
at and so obtain enlightenment. Or you can buy a picture and
gaze at that. I don't even pretend
to understand this but it's definitely my favorite.
The opinions expressed here are solely those of the author.
Are you or a loved one considering starting TM? Or have you seen an
introductory TM lecture or other TM related function advertised? Here
are some basic facts which you and others may wish to know. Written
by Marcy and I, this flyer outlines
insider "secrets" and questions you may wish to consider.
This flyer contains "secret" information, the disclosure of which many
TM teachers would consider damaging to the "innocence" required to
gain maximum value from starting TM. These "secrets," which have been
reproduced from the record of a Federal Court case in which TM was
ruled a religion, are included here in an effort to eliminate what
I and many other TM teachers consider deception in the way TM is promoted.
(Fancy version)
postscript version.
Marcy's TM story
: A short story with a happy ending.
My TM story
: A short version of a very long story with a happy ending.
The World of Gurus
Here are some excerpts from The World of Gurus by Vishal
Mangalwadi, published by Cornerstone Press, Chicago, Illinois.
Natural Law Party Fund Raising Letter
with News Article Mock Up
from 8/6/96.
Some Useful Links:
Meditation Information Network
Ayur Veda from the Other Side
The 1994 Ig Nobel Prizewinners
alt.meditation.transcendental - Open Discussion TM newsgroup
alt.meditation.transcendental Archive
.ex-cult Archive
Cult Information Service
AFF Home Page
reFOCUS Network
Andrew Skolnick's Home Page
Maharishi International University
Maharishi University of Management
Yogic Flying Club
Here are some amazing advertisements from the
Spring, 1996 issue of Maharishi University of Management WORLD
magazine, otherwise known as MumWorld.
If you decide to buy any of things, I also have a small bridge
I think you might be interested in.
The incredible Maharishi Vedic Observatory:
For a paltry $2950.00 you can have this wondrous model to gaze
at and so obtain enlightenment. Or you can buy a picture and
gaze at that. This is definitely my favorite. I'm so grateful
that I got out before I bought this one.
Image of the ad.
postscript version.
The amazing Maharishi Stapatya Veda roof ornament:
Maybe you could get one for your car. Do you think your neighbors
will appreciate it?
Image of the ad.
postscript version.
Amrit Kalash - Maharishi Ayur Veda:
Notice the ad claims: "The scientific research on all aspects
of Maharishi Ayur-Ved is unprecedented in natural health care.
Over 500 studies at 220 institutions in
27 countries have verified its efficacy."
The bulk of these studies are on TM, of course. I called the
800 number in the ad (You can see my notes scribbled on the
page). They referred me to the 21st Century Bookstore in
Fairfield, IA for a bibliography of the 500 Ayur Veda studies.
The man there told me they were the TM studies. I asked whether
he thought the ad was deceptive. He said, "Yes, very."
Image of the ad.
postscript version.
Maharishi Jyotish - Your Psychic Hotline:
Notice the ad claims that His Holiness has "...brought
enlightenment to millions of people in the world..." I'm
certainly one of the millions, I guess. I didn't get
enlightened till I stopped meditating.
Image of the ad.
postscript version.