January 2003 News
January, 2003
U Boat Veteran's Badge
Here is a submission from a collector who picked this up at the Hartford ASMIC show on Labor Day weekend. WWI U Boat Veteran's badges show up every so often from their major reunions.
Old Argentinian Cloth Sub Badge
Here is a pre-1960 Argentian cloth sub badge. I have a couple of extras and can get more.
Brazilian Medical Officer Sub Badge?
Not sure if this really is one yet, but I've heard this is from Brazilian for their submarine medical officers.
Indian Kilo Submarine Badge Set
Got this set back in December and forgot about it. There are now 10 Kilos per a recent link I saw listing World Navies. They are:
Number Name Year FLT Homeport
S55 Sindhugosh 1986 EAST Vish.
S56 Sindhudhvaj 1987 EAST Vish.
S57 Sindhuraj 1987 EAST Vish.
S58 Sindhuvir 1988 EAST Vish.
S59 Sindhuratna 1988 EAST Vish.
S60 Sindhukesari 1989 EAST Vish.
S61 Sindhukirti 1990 EAST Vish.
S62 Sindhuvijay 1991 EAST Vish.
S63 Sindhurakshak 1997 EAST Vish.
S65 Sindhushastra 2000 EAST Vish.
Ecuador Mess Dress Sub Badge
I thought that I had this one and was mistaken, so I picked one up. Same as the full sized, except smaller.
South American Trade
I made a trade for two Brazilian submarine cloth badges and one sub diver cloth badge and also got copies of the Ecuadroan sub badges with stars. These have gold stars instead of silver as normally seen. The source said that they are for subsequent patrols. Other sources say they are a manufacturing varieant of the silver star badges.
Austro-Hungary Submarine Badge
This is a beauty that was up for auction on ebay in late January.
New Polish Submarine Badges
Apparently these are the new style of submarine qualification badges used by Poland. So much is coming out of Poland right now it is hard to keep up with what is new and official and semi-offial and whatever.