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Mayte and PRINCE

ummm did eye mention Mayte later married "PRINCE".... LOL... well yes thats his woman...eye would like 2 concentrate on Mayte and her work more.... But, 4 those who R curious ... here is a little information on the couple... :) Mayte and her husband have been through a lot of pain in their marriage; including the death of their first son when he was only one week old. The child was born Cloverleaf Syndrome (his father has the same deformity in his skull but not as severe as the child). (Picture above is "PRINCE" and his New Power Generation(NPG),which Mayte was part of for many years.)
A little after their marriage they decided to get divorced and re-marry in a "spirital wedding". They were opposed to the CONtracts of traditional ceremonies. "PRINCE" has always been very vocal about his deep and undeniable love for Mayte, he calls her his "Soulmate" BUT AFTER HE CHANGED HIS NAME BACK 2 PRINCE AND GAVE A CONFERENCE ABOUT THE NAME CHANGE HE ADDRESSED "ISSUES" ON MAYTE AND SAID THEY R JUST "FRIENDS". He also mentioned that Mayte is working on her own musical projects now. (the album should b out in 2000 or 2001)