This is the first fansite on the web from what I know about for Sarah Lancaster star of MTV's Undressed!I have'nt found any websites on Sarah Lancaster on the web except for here and there!I hope this website helps those of you who are intrested in Sarah!If you have any information on Sarah please inform me and I will be glad to post it on the site!Thanks for visiting and please come back!And feel free to email me! I am not Sarah Lancaster & I don't communicate with her so please dont send me fanmail addressed to her!I never even met her in my life im just a fan like you!If Sarah does have a fan address Im not aware of it as of yet as soon as I am I will let yall know!Thanks again!-Internetangel83-
My Favorite Things About Sarah Lancaster...
Information and Intresting Facts about Sarah Lancaster
Sarah's Biography
Sarah's Filmography
Some information on Sarah
MTV official undressed Page
Fansite for MTV Undressed
A Sarah Lancaster Message Board!
The Internet Movie Database information on Sarah L.