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HaYdEn ChRiStEnSeN

Hey! It's December 26, 2000...the day after Christmas, and I've decided to make a page dedicated to Hayden and his fans. This page will contain pictures, desktop images, a bio, recent news updates (hopefully I'll be able to update it often!), and anything else I decide to add along the way. Just remember, I am new at this so it isn't gunna be that great. I promise...I'll get better! hehe *EnJoY*

OK, me again. I've been working my butt off on this thing. It's still not done though. I have a lot more stuff to add. It's December 29, 2000...almost time for the big new year! That means only another year until Star Wars II comes out and Hayden becomes HuGe! *So ExCiTeD* Well talk to you all later. ByE!

If anyone has anything they would like to submit to this site that they feel would make it better, please feel free to E-mAiL mE!

It's January 16, 2001...yes, it's finally the NeW yEaR! This means only one more year until Star Wars Episode II comes out into theatres! *excitedness* Ok, anyways, I'm gunna add a few more things on today as well as a link that will send you to a website with a bunch of Hayden sites that you can look at. HERE is the site. I suggest you go to it. It has a lotta great sites all about Hayden on it. Well, see ya'll later. BYE :)


*RaNdOm PiCs*
*StAr WaRs PiCs*
*FaMoUs JeTt JaCkSoN PiCs*
*AsTrO ArTicLe*
*HaYdEn'S BiO*