Here you will find some extra tiplts on all kinds miscellaneous stuff. I am very open to ideas that might improve my site. If you have any ideas on how to make this site better email me at and I might use your ideas. If I do you will receive credit here, at special features. So what I'm trying to say is, I want all of you people to not just come to my site and visit but also get involved too!!!
Star TV/Movie Gallery-Page filled with pictures of various HZGG stars in their other films and TV series!!!
Credits-This page is dedicated to all the people and website that have helped me with HZGG Info Page!!! ^_~
Qing Shen Shen Yu Meng Meng-Cool pics from the brand new show that star the stars of Huan Zhu Ge Ge!!! (starring: Zhao Wei, Lin Xin Ru and Su You Peng)
Wan Yan aka Qing Er-This page is all about Wang Yan the actress that played Qing Er or Qing Ge Ge in HZGG II. I usually do not have any pages on HZGG II but this was a special request. If you have any requests fell free to email me and let me know.
Huan Zhu Scenes-Features pics taken straight from Huan Zhu Ge Ge I TV show!! Everyone pictures is in order so you can get the feel of the show. There are also captions that explains the pic and what is going on. I hope everyone will enjoy this page!!! Kelly
Huan Zhu Scenes #2-2nd page of Huan Zhu Scenes Gallery! Full of brand new pics of HZGG I and notes by me!!! Enjoy!!
Lao Fang You Xi- One of my other fav T.V show! Stars Zhao Wei and Su You Peng. The story is really cute!!! A Must Visit!!! -Kelly
All About Me- Everyone has to visit this site and find out more about me or else!(Just Joking ^_^)
Liu Dan's Memorial- A small memorial for Liu Dan. The actress that played Xiang Fei in Huan Zhu Ge Ge II. As most of you probably already know, she died in a car accident. This memorial was suggested to me by Sarah( thanx Sarah! A wonderful idea I must say!!!)
More Special Features will come!!! Come back later to check them out!