Howie frantically searched the shelves of a nearby Wal Mart to find hair dye the color of his natural hair. "Since Nick and his damn flea shampoo turned my hair blue, I gotta find midnight black hair dye!!" he said to AJ who was standing beside him, laughing. "Hey, blue hair isn't that bad," said AJ. "In fact, I think its kinda cool. I might do mine blue!" AJ joined howie in searching for the hair dye. "YES!!" AJ shouted triumphantly, holding a blue box in his hand."Electric blue, baby!" AJ ran to the cash register and paid for his item. Howie sadly left the store with his head down. "Aww cheer up D..." AJ said putting his arm around Howie. "It'll grow out." Howie got into the passenger seat of AJ's Camaro and noticed something on the back seat. "Hey, what's this?" he asked, picking up a straight black wig with gold highlights. "Oh, something one of them groupie hoes left in here like a month ago." AJ answered. "Hey, this is kinda kool...... do you uh, still wear it?" Howie questioned with a hopeful face. "Nah... you can have it." AJ said. Howie pulled his now blue hair into a ponytail and pulled on the wig. He breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank God........" he said, adjusting the wig. "I look halfway normal now."