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Jason Arnott "ARNIE" : # 25 : 6'3' - 240lbs, : Shoots Right : Date of Birth: 10/11/74 : Age: 25 : Birth Place: Collingwood, Canada : Jason spends his off-season in Wasaga Beach, Ontario : Used to play for the OILERS, he was # 7 there. : '98-99 Jason marked his first full season with the devils : Jason was Edmonton's 1st choice, : 7th overall in 1993 NHL Entry Draft. : Jason scored a goal in his first NHL game, against the San Jose Sharks, on 10/6/93. : In New Jerseys last regular season game (4/8/00) they played Florida Panthers and in the 2nd period Jason Arnott got a goal to tieing the game up 1-1, going into over-time 47 seconds into it Jason scored another goal, winning the last regular season game at home. WAY TO GO ARNIE. But we just can't give credit to Arnie, with out the rest of the team there wouldn't be a team, Scott Stevens got both assists for those goals, WAY TO GO NEW JERSEY. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK, AND GET THAT CUP :-) All the guys played really hard all season,even when they had there hard times, and we should all be very proud of them. I know I am.


Jut a little personal info on him ---------- Jason is Single :) (which I like) and has a four year old son named Draven. : Jason enjoys counrty music especially Garth Brooks and Shania Twain, Jason plays golf and enjoys water-skiing, Jason hunts and fishes, : Jason is a Bruins fan, and Cam Neely was/is his Childhood hero : I'm told that If he weren't a hockey player he would want to be a phys ed or art teacher. :


From what I here, from people who have meet Jason, they all tell me he is one of the nicest guys. Which is a big plus to me. Plus he's really HOT :) The first time I seen Jason, was when he came here to Detroit, Michigan to play the Detroit Red Wings. I had awesome seats so I could see all the players very well. When New Jerseys played Detroit, Jason was the only one that night to get a goal. :) New Jerseys lost 3-1 that night. But the thing that impressed me about Jason was he was and is a GREAT hockey player. When Jason goes out on the ice to play his game, he gives it his all, well at least from what I can see. Jason has one the hardest shots with the puck. And he's a big guy so when you get hit by him you'll feel it the next day. I made this web site because I want people to know what a GREAT hockey player he is and that he should be reconized for that. I am a fan but not a obsessed fan. LOL I wish all the best to Jason on his hockey career, and I hope only good things happen to him. For more info on Jason Arnott you can check out, the official web site. I also have ton's of pic's of Jason if anyone whats to see them e-mail me at Thanks for checkin my page out,and e mail me and tell me what you think of it. Thanks---Also I want to thank Jaimie a.k.a *auntjemima* for the pic's she has sent me. Thanks girly :) She's also a Arnie fan :)