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Your Stories

This is the part of the site where you get to share your personal experience with Kelly Ripa. Whether it be how she touched your life, when you got to meet her, where you saw her, etc. Also, stories that have any relation to Kelly will be accepted (ie, about Mark, Regis, AMC, etc). I suppose I will start with my story and then you can send in yours to me (link at the end of the page), please put Story as the subject.

"I started watching Hayley the very first day she came on to AMC. I just fell in love with Kelly's wonderful ability to act. She is just amazing. Being an actress myself, I look to her as an inspiration and a role model. I hope that one day I can be as good as she is! Unfortunately, I have never been able to meet her. I went to Super Soap Weekend for the first time in Nov. '00 but I didn't get there until like 11am or 12pm. So, I was kinda confused where to start (and trust me the map guides do not help one bit!). Then I realized Kelly, Mark, and John were gonna be doing a motorcade and Q&A soon. So, I was like "yay!" after the Q&A I can run over to her autograph line (since my whole mission of the day was to meet Kelly). Well, the motorcade went through, I almost cried, I watched the Q&A, watched the motorcade go through again, then grabbed my mother's arm and said "let's go!!". So, we were looking at the little map trying to find where Kelly's table was located. I asked about 3 or 4 workers where the #5 station was and even showed them the map, they all sent me into the wrong direction. I am running around the park having no idea where the diva is supposed to be. Then, I took matters into my own hands and started walking around. Alas! I found it, but to my dismay, I was too late. By the time I got in the line, the worker told me I was not guaranteed an autograph and probably will not get one. So, I was left with a rough decision: stick around and wait or try to get someone else's autograph. Through teary eyes I decided to leave because I didn't wanna get broken hearted and waste an hour and a half. Guess what? I got to get Mark's autograph though! I was pretty stoked about that. But at least next year, I know to get to the line early and I will be there both days instead of one! But atleast I got to see her in the motorcade, Q&A, and hosting the Susan Lucci 'talk show'. Well, there's my sentiment and my experience at Super Soap." -Jennifer (

Here's a story about Super Soap Weekend '00 and Natalie's experience meeting Kelly for the 2nd time:

Picture from her visit

"This year, I went to SSW with my friends Veronica and Loi! It was a total blast and we met SOOO many people!! Everyone I wanted to meet...AND MORE! soon as they let us in the park, we went running over to Kellys line and we were about 10th back! Kelly finally came out and she looked so gorgeous! Her dress was to die for...well, Kelly sang happy birthday to everyone in line who said it was their birthday which was so funny! Finally it was our turn to meet Kel...I walked up and she gave me a big hug...and thought I looked familiar! And I told her how I met her last year...and she was like "YES!! You are too gorgeous!" Then...I asked her who her dress was by, and she said Fendi...and how it was the only thing she owned that didn't make her look fat, and I was like "Oh whatever! You're not fat!"and she told me "You're one to be talking! You're thinner than I am when I'm not pregnant! You need to eat!" Then...we took the picture, and that was it!! That night in the grand motorcade...We yelled "We Love You Kel!!" And she looked over, waved at us and said "I LOVE YOU TOO, GIRLS!! You're GREAT!!" She again, was such a pleasure to meet!!!!!" -Natalie (

Here's a story from Edward about Kelly before she made it big:

"The first time I ever saw Kelly Ripa was way before her days on 'All My Children' or on 'Live With Regis & Kelly'. It goes back to the early 90's when Kelly was a regular dancer on 'Dancing On Air' and 'Dance Party USA'. At that time she was dating a boy she met on the show named Chris and they were always together. Where you saw Kelly, you saw Chris, and where you saw Chris, you saw Kelly. She looks to be a very nice girl and I hope someday to get to meet her, so I can tell her how much of a fan of hers that I am." -Edward (

This story is about Angie's hope to one day meet Mrs. Ripa:

"I love All My Children so much. I started watching it in '91 and do not miss a show. I love Kelly so much, she is my idol. If I am not home when it comes on I set my tape and watch it when i get home. I would love to meet Kelly, I haven't got to yet, that's my dream. I will be 21 in 3 weeks, on June 8. My biggest dream is to meet Kelly on my birthday but I know that's not possible. I have never met anyone famous, I attend to someday, Kelly is the first person I really would like to meet, she really seems like a nice person." -Angie (

This story is about Melinie's admiration of Kelly:

"Kelly Ripa is an amazing person and a fabulous role model to all people, especially kids and teens. She has influenced me so much, to get up and fight for what I want in life. She has taught me to go for everything and if you try hard enough you will succeed and it will be a big step for you. I still remember the first day Kelly came on All My Children with the black hair and she was all weird and everything, she was still a sweet little girl then too. She is so amazing from just being on a soap and now she is going up up up since she is on Regis. It's so amazing the things one person could do, plus she even takes care of her little babies which I can't believe she can do that to, that's just awesome! Well, I think she is so great. I met her at Super Soap in 98, 99, & 2000 and I hope that I will see her at the 2001 Super Soap Weekend. I am so happy and I am also looking forward to seeing the rest of the cast. I am also so happy for her that she got to be on All My Children, I mean, that is just a lot of luck and major talent because the people on All My Children are the best and they will always be the best. She has got a lot of really nice people to be working with. Well, I wish her the best and I hope she keeps going for what ever else she wants in life, even though she has everything she could want I am guessing! Well, wish her lots of luck and PLEASE everyone keep watching All My Children because I started at age five and I won't stop till I die! Thanks again. Love, AMC #1 Fan" -Melinie (

This is a story about Laura getting Kelly's autograph:

"I am such a huge Kelly Ripa fan and I finally got to go see Kelly on LIVE. My friend had won VIP tickets to go see 'Live with Regis and Kelly' so she knew I was a huge fan and took me. We got to sit in the second row and it was when Kelly was still pregnant- April 19, 2001. She looked soo pretty when she walked out. Regis wasn't there that day so Jay Mohr was hosting with her. Well, in the beginning a lady said that if anyone wanted an autograph from Kelly to give the lady the picture. So the show was great- especially the commercial breaks. Kelly was soo funny. At the end of the show I went to get my autograph and the lady had forgotten to get it so she said that she would try to get in right then. She told me to meet her in the ABC studios lobby. As I was walking out with my mom I saw the lady with my autograph and I walked up to her and standing about 3 feet away from the lady was Kelly (so she had just autographed my picture). I looked at Kelly and she waved to me and my mom and was like "Hey!" I was so excited that I kind of just waved back, picked up my autograph and then kept walking. I couldn't believe that she actaully said Hi to me. It was one of the best days of my life and I have my autograph on my wall in a really nice frame. It says "Laura~ Love, Kelly Ripa." I love it and I hope to go back to LIVE again one day and meet Kelly and get to talk to her. She is just a sweet person and so loving." -Laura (

This is a story about Lindsey 'bumping into' Kelly, or should I say about Kelly bumping into Lindsey?:

"My friends and I went to SSW 1999, and on Saturday night at like 12am, we decide we're going to go hang out at the hotel where the soap actors and actresses usually stay... we had gone the evening before and got a chance to see some pretty interesting things! So we spot Catherine Hickland and Julie Pinson hanging outside of a restaurant and decide to go over to them. We talked to Catherine and Julie for awhile.. and I was standing pretty close to the door of the restaurant and all of a sudden, I felt a big WACK. Someone had hit me with the door!! So I was about to turn around and be like "whoa there!" Well, you can imagine how surprised I was when I turned around to face Kelly! I stopped dead in my tracks and thought "OMG, Kelly Ripa JUST hit me with a door."... I was just like "Hi Kelly" and she was all "Hiiii!" I didn't really wanna bother her because she was with Mark and Michael... but the 3 did end up staying outside for awhile to chat. They were all really sweet." -Lindsey (

This is a story about how Kelly made Candi feel great at a fan luncheon:

"I first met Kelly February 26, 1999. I gave birth to my son on March 3, 1999 so you can only imagine just how 'pregnant' I was.  It was my very first fan luncheon and I was about to meet Kelly and Mark.  I was beyond nervous and eveyone at my table was nervous I would go into labor at my table....When Kelly and Mark arrived, they were late and had Michael with them.  The babysitter cancelled...imagine that!  Anyway, Kelly was amazing!  So down to earth and friendly.  She spoke to everyone in the room, signed photos or whatever they had, laughed with them and had a great time.  When she got to me, I said, let me try to hide my belly, you're sooo small, it will make me look even bigger, laughing the whole time....she then commented on how she couldn't believe I was that close to my due date, how great I looked, how much bigger she was at that time of her pregnancy with Michael.  Bottom line, she truly made me feel beautiful at a time when I felt like the Goodyear Blimp.  She was so sincere and genuine. I then met her at SSW 2000 and told her about that time and she seemed to remember the event.  I told her how absolutely wonderful she was and how great she made me feel.  She gave me the biggest hug and was truly touched that she could've meant that much to me. I now watch her daily on LIVE and believe each day that she is truly an angel. By the way, Mark was equally as nice, but this is about Kelly! LOL"-Candi (

This is a story about Kelly in college:

"Hi! My name is Mike and I met Kelly at Camden County College. I was taking a class with my fiance, (now my wife) Jo Ann. We were taking Intro to Mass Media. It was a really cool class. The thing that I remember about Kelly was her purse. It was like the Herman Munster lunchbox look. She had even stated that it was her Munster purse. I thought that was pretty funny. She never finished the class. She had gotten her job with ABC, and that was the last I saw Kelly! Good Luck Kelly and you go girl!"-Mike (

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