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undefined Martin Short: long on talent

Welcome to Martin Short: long on talent, the number one fan resource for Martin Short. This site is simply a fan tribute, and non-profit. What I'm trying to say is don't sue me. I've run this site for three years, and to my knowledge it's been the only one of it's kind for a good portion of that time. I'm sure you're aware who Mr.Short is if you are here. If not feel free to peruse the section to better acquaint yourself with him.

The navigation for this site is located on your right, down the front of Marty's suit. I apologize for the pop-ups you will encounter while you browse. I'll try to clean up the sections and add a bit more to them, but in addition to a busy life, I run several other websites, so updates such not be expected with any kind or regularity :)

For the record, I am NOT Martin Short. I am not affiliated with him in anyway. So please refrain from emailing me in hopes of reaching him. It will not happen. It just makes me feel bad that I can't help The contact section pertains to me, but if a fan mail address for Marty ever surfaces, I shall include it as well.

That about wraps up my little welcome. Feel free to sign the guestbook and let me know you came. If you have any related sites, and want to become an affliate email me here to discuss. i>