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The BIB Photo Album

Welcome to the Brothers in Baseball photo album. The division of labor in BIB is:

Webmaster Mark

In the Ottawa Lynx Restaurant...this was after our game was washed out!

Some of the Photos from BIB2001 (Cincinnati, Louisville, Chattanooga, and Atlanta)(top to bottom, Cinergy Field before and after the game, First Pitch at Bell South Park (Chattanooga), Mark sitting with Cam & Becky (wonderfully nice season ticket holders at BellSouth Park), First Pitch at Turner Field, At the Louisville Slugger Museum, Gerry at Turner Field, and in an unofficial visit, Andy in front of Miller Park

A Photo Montage of BIB2000 (LA and San Diego)

Photo Montage of BIB 1999 - Seattle

Photo Montage of BIB 1998 - Minnesota/Wisconsin

Photo Montage of BIB 1991 - BIB Visit to Cooperstown

When we were younger and skinnier with more hair