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Teen Movie Line

Teen Movieline: Spring 2000 Amanda Schull had no acting experience on her resume when she went in to read for a starring role for Center Stage, a film about teens who compete to get into an ultra-selective ballet company. But she did have one crucial qualification--years and years of dancing under her tutu. Here she talks about her first plie into filmmaking. Alyea Salem-Riker: How did you hear about the part in Center Stage? Amanda Schull: I was studying at the San Francisco Ballert School last year when a Columbia Pictures casting director came looking for potential dancers. After I read for the part of Jody, the clumsy ballerina , I was sent to L.A. to meet the director Nicholas Hytner and do a screen test. Weeks later, I got the part. Question: What was the best thing about being in the film? Answer: I really liked getting my hair and makeup done. The whole process was a fantasy. Question: Worst thing? Answer: Having to wake up early. I'm not a morning person. Question: You were able to draw upon your real life experiences for your role, right? Answer: Yes, my character was told she shouldn't be a dancer and that happened to me in real life. Question: You lived in Hawaii until you were 17. What were your high school years like? Answer: I never went out because I was in the studio rehearsing until my toes bled. Question: Do you have any actress role models? Answer: I'm not really into tough women like Sharon Stone. I like classy women like Audrey Hepburn. Question: If you could do a kissing scene with any actor, who would it be? Answer: Mark Wahlberg . I loved Fear. Question: Do you feel pressured to stay slender? Answer: I've been asked to lose weight in the past and it made me angry that someone who doesn't know me wants me to change the way I've been my whole life. I'm five-foot-five and weigh 110 and I'm happy with that. Question: What's your idea of the perfect day? Answer: Waking up late, going out for eggs Benedict, then getting my hair done, having a full day of successful shopping and going to dinner with my girlfriends.
