Hey everyone! Welcome to my anime site. I have on this site information for various anime shows. I don't have most of my information up yet, as I am continuosly updating. I even have a few more animes I'm hoping on adding to the site (Evangelion, Devil Hunter Yohko, DBZ...) So please continue checking in to see what else new I have. I have a new e-mail address for comments, suggestions, or just to chat with a fellow anime fan. Just send your e-mails to Silentclown

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I sometimes hate technology, with a passion! My dial up modem hasn't worked for two months and now we have road runner so i'll be able to do more for the site. i've had some people urging me to finish some stories so i'll be adding more up and i've had some people send them to me. so look ahead for more stuff!

Sailor Moon

Ronin Warriors

Gundam Wing- Home of Trowa: The Silent Clown

Neon Genesis Evangelion

My List of Fanfics and original stories.*CHECK IT OUT*


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