Scene Seven

My Favorite Web sites

Scene Eight

"So you know now" you heard to the right, you look at see Taylor coming out behind a door. "Well Tay, she had to" Isaac said. "THANKS Isaac now leave" he sai. "Don't get mad at me, she had to know, I mean after all, her hearing that Angela called your cellphone, you returning her call, then having her see Angie go into your hotel room, my gosh I really think she had the right to know" said Ike. "Can you leave?" Taylor said more in a sympathetic voice. "Fine" Ike said, leaving. Soon as he was out of site, Tylor came up to you, "I'm really sorry, I should have told you, I hope this doesnt change anything, I really like you." he said with his hands on your shoulders. You waned to yell, you wnted to cry but you didn't, not in frotn of him. You just smiled and forgot the whole thing, he kissed. "My mom said she'd take you and teh girls shopping for a dress, we have that big dinner tonight" he said. That cheered you up a little.

You went shopping for a few hours. You found th beautiful lilac purple dress, you fell in love with it. You looked at th price, 250.00, your eyes widened then frowned. "What wrong dear?" Diana asked. "I really loved this dress, but I didn't bring enough, so I can't but it" you said. "Don't worry about, how much do you have?", you shoed her 75 dollars. "Here give me 50.00 of that and I will get the rest" she says. "Ohno, thats ok, i'm sure I can find something else" you had to be polite. "Honey, who are my children?" she said with a 'devilish' look. You looked at her with your eyes stunned. Then she bursted out laughing you laughed along with her. "Give me the dress and I will go pay for it", you handed her them money and the dress. You got the dresses then headed back tot he hotel to get ready!

You got ready, you got makeup that would match your purple dress, Jessica did your hair, you sort of laughed at the thought a younger girl doing your hair but you were shocked to see that your hair looked gorgeous. Everyone was ready and you headed for the limo."Wow you look really pretty...your hair looks really good" Taylor says, "Thanks" you say and then smile at Jessica. She giggles and then runs off with Zoey. Taylor looked so handome.He had on light color khaki with a white plain shirt and his hair was gelled very nicley. You all got into the limo and went off to the 'Diner Palace'. You went in and got a table, in the room there was a soft orachesta, tons of tables and people and a huge chandaler. "here is good" Walker said.You all sat down and a waiter came to order your drinks. "Hey wanna play tic-tac-toe?" Mackenzie asked you,"sure" you say. You both played on a napkin. You were so busy playing, you didn't notice anything else that went on. Then you here "I didn't know her and her family were coming" you heard Walker say, you look up to see, Angela and her mom and dad, and her brother. "Please don't sit here" you thought to yourself. "Join us!" Diane said. "ugh" you thought. Of course thee had to be an open space next to Taylor for Angela to occupy, then her family spread out round teh table. Leaving you to stare right at her brother, who had a mouthful of braces and glasses. "Of course the girl had to pretty and the guy had to be gross" you thought. You smild at the family, even though you hated them. The main course arrived. You looked at your plate, seeing vegetable cusine. You tasted it and it wasnt too appealing. You moved your fork around it, the peas and carrots spread out in a mound of rice. "With all this money they had to have crap for food, I don't know what makes me wanna puke this food or seeing Taylor and Angela together laughing, talking about old times" you thought. Everything made you nausea. How could he do this to me? I'm his guest, the one he "really likes" and all he can do is talk to her and give her HIS attention. You thought. You felt your eyes start to get heavy and you knew a rush of tears would spray out any minute, "Excuse me" you say getting up and walking calmly tot he bathroom. Soon as you hit the hall, you started to cry, you walked and walked down the narrow hallway until you reached the restroom. You bursted into tears. You tried to wipe them fast because you didnt want to mess up your makeup, but it didnt work. Your face was all red and blotchy, you thought if you waited, it would go away, so you hung out in the bathroom. It was a beautifl bathroom, it was clean and it looked like luxery. Red carpet, huge mirrors, beautiful white couches and big green plants. You heard soft music playing, there was a speaker hidden in the plants, it played soft rock. you sat on the couch and just waited. You thought about everything and what you should do, you were stuck on the awnser. You heard the music change to the next song. It was Whitney Houston's "I Will Always You." You started to cry and then all your anwsers came to you. You listened...

If I should stay

i would only be in your way

So I'll go but I know

I'll think of you

Every step of the way

Bittersweet memories,

That is all I'm taking with me.

So goodbye, please don't cry.

We both know I'm not what you, you need

And I will always love you.

I will always love you.

Then during the song, the door opened and your moment was ruined. An old lady came in, "Oh dear child, are you alright?" she said concerned. "I'm okay, thank you" "Well whatever is wrong, I hope it all works out for you" she says, "thanks" you say smiling, she smiles and then you walk out. You walk down the whole, until you reached the big room, you saw Taylor and HER dancing on the floor, goofing off. "and she is pregent?" you thought.You wanted to cry, but you held it back, you didnt need your makeup messed up anymore!