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Chapter Four

Sab and Nick cuddled on the couch and watched the rest of the movie. Sabrina yawned and looked at her watch.
"Oh my god! I have to get home!"
"It's 2:00 in the morning!"
"Oh. Well, did you just wanna stay here tonight? It's a little late isn't it?"
"Yeah, um.. I guess."
"Great." Nick smiled.
"I should probably call Mack and Aaron.. let them know what's going on." Sab grabbed the phone and dialed Aaron's cell number.
"Oh!" Aaron turned away from Mack and grabbed his phone.
"Hey, it's Sabrina, um...I'm staying at Nick's tonight, so did you just want to stay there?"
"Uh...just a second." He covered the phone and talked to Mack.
"Yeah, okay. Can you put Nick on for me?"
"Sure, see you later."
Sabrina handed the phone to Nick. "Hey"
"Hey man! So what have you and Sab been doin'?"
"We just watched a movie."
"And nothing!"
" had to at least have kissed."
"Yeah, so?"
"What else have you got planned for you two tonight??" Aaron said, suggestively.
"Well, I...ummm...we just met Aaron!!"
"Sorry...I'll just let you guys have your fun..."
"Drop it!! I gotta go now, I'll talk to you later!!"
"Bye." They hung up.
"What was that about?" Sabrina asked. Nick just shook his head.
"Aaron still has some time to grow into his hormones." He paused and Sabrina looked at him confused.
"Okay then.."
"Yeah. So, what do you want to do now?" Sab shrugged and sat up.
"I dunno. What would you like to do?"
"Well, it's late...Do you want to just go to bed?"
"Okay." They got up and he put his hand around her waist, leading her to his room.
" can use one of my shirts and shorts for pyjamas okay?"
"Yeah, sure hun." He went to his dresser and got out her pyjamas.
"Thanks.. um.. where do you want me to sleep?"
"Well, um..." Nick looked around and bit his lip. "Well there's my room, the uh..basement,um...I don't think you'd want the couch..." Sabrina giggled and thought.
"Your room?? Are you saying that we...?"
"Well, I meant if you wanted my bed, I could sleep on the couch or something, if you didn't want" She giggled again.
"Wow.. we're really having trouble with this.."
"I know."
"Maybe I'll just sleep on the couch."
"No, I'll sleep there. You can have my room." They looked down at the ground shyly.
"Okay, so, um.. good night!" Sabrina hugged him tightly and closed her eyes. They stood there for a while, then Nick kissed her on the cheek.
"Good night sweetie." Nick walked into the living room and Sab went into the bedroom.


"Well, we don't exactly have beds..."
" I realized that..."Aaron said, looking around. "Do you want to be romantic and sleep outside in your backyard, under the stars?"
"That'd be sweet." Mack stood up and got blankets and pillows and they headed outside. They set up an area where you could see all the beautiful stars over Florida.
"Wow, Florida is so pretty."
"I know, I love it here." They layed down on the sleeping bags and stared at the stars. The stars shined down on them, and the sky was clear.
"What are you going to do tomorrow?" Mack whispered.
"I'm not sure, I thought I had to do something tomorrow, but I forgot.."
"Oh, well if you aren't busy, do you want to go to the beach or something?"
"Okay, sure." Mack sighed and closed her eyes.
"Good night Aaron."
"Night Mackey."