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Chapter Six

"Macky!! Oh God!! Nick!! Aaron!! Guys!! She's awake!!" Sab ran to Nick, wiping tears from her face. He held her tight, as Aaron ran to Mack and grabbed her hand.
"Oh my god, Mack, baby I am so sorry. This is all my fault!!"
"What?? What are you all talking about? Where am I?? Sab, why are you crying??" Sabrina walked up to her slowly, remaining hand in hand with Nick.
"Well, hun.. You slipped and fell on the cement of Nick's pool and cracked your head open. The doctor can explain more when he gets here." Mack nodded and everyone looked at the machines connected to her. Sabrina turned away and cried on Nick's shoulder. He rubbed her back, comfortingly. They closed their eyes, Mack looked confused.
"Am I going to die?" The doctor walked in and looked at her.
"You're awake! How are you feeling, Mackenzie?"
"I think I'm okay."
"That's good. Do you remember anything? Are you able to name the people here?" She nodded.
"There's Sab, Nick, Brian, Kev, Aaron, Aj...where's Howie??"
"He went to get some coffee." Brian said from the corner of the room.
"That's very good, Mackenzie. I can see a huge improvement. Do you know what's happening?"
"Well, you got stitches from cutting your head open, and you were in a coma for six hours."
"Six hours?? Am I going to live??"
"Yes. There is only a slight possibility of dying, because of the blood loss, but it's not major."
"Okay..When am I allowed out of here?"
"In about 3 days, if you continue to improve. You'll have to check in every so often though, to see how you are progressing."
"Okay, thanks." The doctor left and Mack welcomed Howie as he entered the room.
"Sorry Mack, doctor says I can't give you coffee."
"It's okay Howie, I think I'm just going to have a little nap."
"We should go out so you can sleep." Nick said, rubbing Sab's hand. She nodded.
"I think I'll stay here and keep Mack company." Aaron reached for Mack's hand and she smiled sweetly. Everyone else went out and sat in the waiting room across the hall. Sab leaned against Nick still upset about Mack and cried. The girls both closed their eyes and slept.


Sab woke up and lifted her head off Nick's lap. She yawned and looked around. Nick rubbed her head.
"Mornin' sleepy!"
"What time is it?"
"Oh, are we allowed to stay here tonight?"
"Uh huh, Brian checked that out for us."
"All of us?"
"Okay, I'm just going to go get a coffee or something, Nick, you wanna come?"
"Yeah, sure, I'll go." Nick got up and grabbed Sabrina's hand.
"Did you guys want anything?"
"No, thanks" They replied.
"We'll be back soon!" She said. They walked down the long hallways to the cafeteria.
"Shall we count this as a date?" Sabrina asked, grabbing a tray.
"Nah, you wait till Mack is out of the hospital for our first official date. It'll be perfect."
"Okay.. What are we going to do?"
"It's a surprise."
"Fine." They grabbed some food and sat down at a small table.
"Was Mackey still sleeping when we left?"
"I think so, Aaron would've told us if she woke up." Nick stared into Sabrina's eyes.
"Should we get the guys something?"
"They said they didn't want anything, but maybe we can just bring back some donuts."


Mack opened her eyes. Aaron was still by her side, his hand in hers, rubbing it softly.
"Hey there Mackey."
"Hi." Mack's voice was a whisper, almost gone, and it worried Aaron. He leaned over and pushed the nurse button.
"Aaron...what are you doing?" Her voice was barely there. The nurse came into the room.
"Can I help you?"
"" He didn't want Mack to know he was worried. "Mackenzie is having difficulty talking, so I was just wanted to know if something is wrong."
"Okay, well I can do a few tests to make sure everything is alright"
"Okay, please." Brian ran in to see what the nurse was in there for.
"Is everything okay??"
"Mackey just lost her voice and we wanted to know if everything was okay." He put his hand over his eyes and looked down. "I'm going to get a bite to eat.. Bri, can you stay with Mack for me?"
"Yeah, sure, Sab and Nick are there too."
"Okay." Aaron walked out and into the cafeteria. When he got there, he spotted them sitting at one of the corner tables, kissing. He went and sat with them.
"Hey, guys" They stopped and looked at Aaron.
"Hey! How's Mack?"
"Well, she woke up and had no voice, so I got worried and called a nurse.. She's just checking her now."
"Oh, I guess we should go back now." Sabrina started to worry now too.
"Yeah, I'll meet you two back at the room. I'm just going to get something to eat."
"Okay, see ya later bro!"
"See ya!" Nick and Sab, hand in hand, went into her room.
"Hey sweetie! How is she?" Sab turned to the nurse.
"Well, my tests came out with just a bit of larangitis."
"Okay, thank you." The nurse took her things and left.
"Buzz me if you need anything else."
"Okay, bye" Nick went and sat on the chair in the corner. Sab watched him and then ran, sitting on his lap.
"Oh my God! Do you guys ever get 5 feet away from each other for more than 30 seconds?!?!" AJ chuckled as he spoke.
"Yes, watch." Sab got up, stuck her tongue out at AJ, and moved 6 feet away from the chair. Nick made a really cute puppy face and she couldn't resist it.
"Okay!! I give up!!!" She ran to him and he kissed her for the 20 seconds she had been gone. Aaron returned with some food that Mack could eat and gave it to her.
"Thank you." She whispered.
"Anytime, baby!" He leaned down and kissed her forehead. Kevin laughed.
"Oh, Aj bet Nick and Sab couldn't keep away from each other for more than 30 seconds.. They tried and failed."
"What was their time?"
"20 seconds." Aaron looked over at them.
"I can see they missed each other." Everyone laughed. Sab and Nick stopped in the middle of a kiss and looked at Aaron. She blushed and looked down. Nick smiled and moved her hair, kissing her neck. Sab got up and went over to Mack's bed. She talked silently to her, nobody else could hear. RING!! Nick reached for his cell.
"Hello? Yeah, it's Nick. OH MY GOD!! Is it August already??Wow..Okay..Yeah.. I'll remind them.." Nick sighed and hung up.
"What's wrong??" She walked over to him.
"That was our manager.. Guys, does August the first sound familiar?"
"Oh God, the tour!!" Brian jumped up. "We have to go!!"
"But, wait!" Sabrina looked worried. "What about Mack?"
"Sab, comeon, we gotta go.."
"I..uhh...Mack!!!Hello?!?! She's stuck here! If I go, Aaron will have to take care of her!" She paused and turned to Aaron.
"If it's okay with you, I'll go." Everyone else looked at him.
"I don't mind at all."
"Sweet!!" Sab ran to Nick and hugged him hard. She backed off and ran to Aaron. "Thank you!! Bye Mackey! Be strong sweetheart! Love ya!"
"Are you ready Sab?"
"YES!!" Nick smiled and grabbed her hand.
"Bye guys!" They all said.
"Bye, we'll miss you!" Aaron shouted, and Mackenzie waved.