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Michael Jackson

You know why this picture of Michael is here. You're so talented and someday will be dancin' your own moves on a stage. Always keep your head up and your positive attitude. Thanks so much for always being there and helping me through everything. Ever since we were little I knew I'd be able to count on your forever. Thanks for keeping our relationship young and meaningful. For example, playing pretend... should I go on? LoL.. maybe not. Our bike rides to the cabin must have been the highlight of my summer. It's great being able to share so many memories and with so much more to come there's no time to lose. Remember, that all of us will fall but there is only One who can pick us up. Think about it: there can be no rainbow unless it has rained. ...your Father... makes his sun rise on the evil and good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous. MATTHEW 5:45 Love you.

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