*~Chapter Eight~*

With Nick on the road and Brian alone with Sabrina for two months, Leighanne was furious. After three weeks of this, she decided to pay them a little visit. She took a cab and rushed to Nick and Sabrina's. When she got there, she ran right into the house searching for her husband.
"Brian!!" He peeked into the hallway from the kitchen.
"Leigh! What are you doing here?"
"I..I came to give you this." She handed him a piece of paper.
"I..what?? A divorce?!? Why??"
"Its over Brian! I can't take this anymore!! I have put up with your family , your friends and now your kid!! I can't take it!!"
"My friends??Family?? What the hell did they ever do to you besides respect your ass??"
"Fuck, Brian! Just sign the goddamn thing!!"
"Fine." He grabbed her pen and signed his name at the bottom, nearly cutting through the paper."There!!"
"Good. Now come and get your things and get the hell out of my house!"
"Your home?!? Its MY house!! YOU get the hell out!!!
Leighanne's face was red with anger.
"Fuck you! I'm not moving out!!"
"The hell you aren't!! See you in court, bitch!" She left, pushing her hair back behind her shoulder. Sabrina came down to see Brian nearly crying. She ran to him.
"Brian! What..what'd she want?!?Whatd she say!?" He slowly handed her the copy Leighanne left for him.
"A..divorce?? Why? I mean you didn't do anything!"
He motioned to the baby.
"Ohh...I am so sorry. This is all my fault. If I only would've aborted before, none of this would've happened. I'm sorry Brian." Sabrina turned and went into the living room to sit down. Brian followed and stood in the doorway. Seh stared blankly in front of her. She held back tears, but it was useless.
"Sab..it..it wasn't your fault.We can't keep blaming ourselves. We couldn't help ourselves. We were drunk. It was an accident. Don't blame yourself." Sabrina glared at him, shocked.
"Brian!!" She cried harder. Brian went and sat close to her.
"I..I didn't mean it that way."
"I don't want our child growing up thinking and knowing it wasn't wanted!"
"No. Its not a mistake. Its a..a miracle."
"How the hell is it a miracle??It tore our lives apart!!" She gasped and held her mouth at what she just said. "Omigosh! It didn't tear our lives apart! Babies don't do that!"
"Every baby is a miracle. Its also special because it brought us closer!" He wrapped his arm around her shyly.
"But..you and Leigh!"
"Oh..well we had it coming. Don't worry about it." They smiled weakly at each other and Brian kissed her cheek. He stood and left the room.

*~2 weeks later~*

There was a knock at the door, and Sabirna got up to get it. Mackenzie stood at the door, smiling. Sabrina gasped, surprised that her best friend stood before her.
"Hey Sab! Surprise!!"
"Yeah! No kidding!"
"Omigosh look at you!!" She pointed to her stomach.
"I know! Weird, huh?"
"Very! I decided to come visit. 5 weeks alone isn't the best.
"I know what you mean. Come on in!" They came in and caught up for hours.

That night, Sabrina slept in her room, Mackenzie in the guest bedroom, and Brian on the couch. They were all sleeping soundly when Sabrina suddenly sat up in her bed. She stood and, still sleeping, left her room heading for the living room. She was sleepwalking. She sat down next to Brian who was asleep as well. Her eyes were open. Brian slowly lifted his sleepy eyelids and looked at her.
"Sabby! What..what are you doing awake??"
"I needed you!"
"Oh..what is it?"
"I love you, Brian."
"Wha?? Sab, comeon, lets go back to your bed." He got up and led her to her room, and helped her get back to sleep. He left the room, closing the door behind him. Brian stood at the door, holding the doorknob. He sighed.
"I love you too."

Email: frack0587@hotmail.com