*~Chapter Eleven

~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~

Everyone spent the night at the hospital with Sabrina and Nickia. Brian sat beside Sabrina the whole night with her hand in his. Brian looked over at Nick in the corner of the room, sleeping. He then looked at Sabrina's engagement ring and sighed. Sabrina looked at him.
"What's wrong?"
"Oh, its, uh..nothing."
"You're sure?" He nodded. She smiled and glanced at Aaron, holding Nickia. Aaron had obviously not told Mack yet, but they seemed happy. Nick woke up and went to sit with Sabrina.
"I was just thinking..are you sure that she's Bri's baby? I mean how would you be sure??"
"Nick, I'm pretty sure it is Brian's. Do you mean you want a paternity test or something?"
"Well..I would like to be sure..."
"Well..I guess its up to Brian.. it's fine with me." They looked at Brian.
"I'd like to know too..." He really didn't.
"We could probably get a nurse to do it.." She reached over for the nurse button. A nurse immediately came in and they discussed the test. She agreed and took a few minutes to do it. A few minutes passed and she returned with the results. Brian held her hand. Nick crossed his fingers, hoping.
"Alright guys.. you think that she's Brians?" They all nodded. " Well.. you were right." Brian sighed happily, Sab smiled and Nick looked down unhappily. The nurse smiled and left. Sabrina grabbed Nick's hand and smiled. He returned the smile, and decided to go get something to eat. Mack and Aaron went as well. Brian looked at Sabrina.
"Sab..I..I need to tell you something.."
"Okay..what is it?" She turned to face him.
"Well..I..kinda, have fallen in love with you.."
"You..oh boy.." Sabrina stared with shock.
"I don't want this to change anything that you and Nick have, I just needed you to know." Sab held her head, thinking. "I'm sorry to tell you this now..I..I just thought it would be better.."
"No..no..it is better. I..I have never had such and amazing friend like you. You have done so much for me lately, and, honestly I began to think of you more than a friend." They smiled at each other and Nick came in. Sabrina whispered to Brian.
"Should we..?"
"Yeah. I think we should." Sabrina nodded.
"Nick.. we have to talk to you.."
"Umm..okay.." He seated himself next to her." What's up?"
"Well..I decided to tell you this, and I just told Sabrina.. I thought it would be better, since you are my best friend..um..I am in love with Sabrina.."
"What?!? Are..are you serious???"
"Omigod! Sab...do you feel..."
"I..I don't know.." Nick looked at the two of them sadly.
"Well..I..I guess I'd better just back down. I mean.." He looked over at Nickia. "It is best..."
"No!" Brian and Sabrina said in unision.
"It would be better for her!"
"Nick, I don't want you two to be ruined by this! You two love each other!"
"I don't want to lose you Nick."
"Sab, Brian..you decide. I need to go take a walk." Nick went out of the room. He wandered the halls, thinking hard. He broke down and cried.

Email: frack0587@hotmail.com