Chapter Four

~The Next Day~

Mackenzie spent another night on the couch, awaiting Aaron's return. As she slept, Aaron quietly walked in the door, hoping not to wake Mack. She arose, startled by the shutting door.
"Aaron?!? Is that you?!?"
"Yeah,'s me.." She got up running to him, nearly tripping over her own feet. She grabbed him in her arms, kissing his face all over.
"Where the hell were you?!?" Aaron sttod looking at her. Mack waited for an answer.
" friend back in Orlando got really sick, and I needed to visit him."
"Why didn't you wake me up?!?"
"I didn't want you to see what I had to..."
"Whatd he have??"
"Can we not talk about it, please?"
"Um..okay..sure.." The couple spent the rest of the day relaxing and spending time together.

~One Month Later~

Nick and Sabrina were sitting on the couch in the tour bus, cuddling and watching tv.
"Yeah babe, what is it?"
"You know how I really hate vinegar normally?"
"Uh huh..."
"Well i have the strangest craving for pickles and vinegar..."
"Together???" Sabrina nodded. "Umm...I think theres some in the you want me to check?"
"Please!! Now!!"
"Okay..." Nick rushed out and got her what she wanted. He handed her a small dish when he rushed back in.
"Mmmm! Thanx baby!" She ate it fast, but was still hungry. Sab got up and went to the fridge, grabbing half of a pie. She returned, eating it out of the pie dish.
"Hungry or something, hun?"
"Yeah, a little!" She continued eating.
"See, I saw the pie in the fridge and just had to have it!" Nick nodded and turned his focus back to the tv. After Sabrina had finished eating the entire pie, something dawned on her.
"What is it??"
"I just..forgot I had to do something..." She jumped up and ran to the front of the bus. In a minute's time, it had stopped in front of a drug store. Sabrina jumped off the bus and into the store.
When she got back, she rushed into the washroom, clutching the purchased item in her hand. The large bus started again on the long journey home. Sabrina started on the pregnancy test she had bought...

~10 Minutes Later~

Sabrina held the white colored stick in her hand, praying for a good result. She slowly removed her fingers covering the key to her future.
"" She whispered and quickly flipped through the instruction book.
" means..." She gasped.
