Everyone woke up and met in the kitchen all at different hours. They were all seated at the table by 10:00.
"So what were you guys doing last night? I heard mumbles outside my door." Mackenzie wondered.
"Last night?? I went to bed the same time as you. I wasn't up." Sabrina was clueless. The girls looked at Brian.
"Sab was sleepwalking, so I took her back to bed.
"Huh? I never sleepwalk! What'd I do??"
"You just came in and talked to me. Nothing else."
"Well..what'd I say??"
"N..not much.." The girls became suspicious.
"Alright. Well I'm gonna go call Nick, okay?"
"Yep." Mack and Brian continued to talk while Sabrina grabbed the phone.
"Hey honey!"
"Sabby! How are you??"
"I'm okay.." She heard giggling in the back.
"Nick..whats going on over there?!" Mackenzie looked up.
"NICK! What is going on?!?"
"Look honey..You can't tell Mack. They're Aaron's."
"His what?!"
"Hun..he's cheating.."
"Omigod! Wh..why aren't you stopping him??"
"I've tried, and I will keep trying! I won't let him ruin what he has. Don't worry."
"Nick..how do I know that you won't??"
"You have to have trust in me. I wouldn't do that to you. I swear."
"Okay..I have to go. Call later."
"I will."
"Love you."
They hung up. Mackenzie was worried. Sabrina rubbed her head thinking up some excuse.
"Sab..whats wrong?? Whats going on??"
"Uh..um..one of the backup dancers..started smoking..He's sick. Thats all."
"Are you sure??"
Sab nodded, upset that she was forced to lie.

*~Any Day Now....~*

Sabrina woke up with contractions. She felt great pain and shouted for Brian. He rushed in as soon as he heard his name.
"Brian! Its coming!!"
"The baby?!?"
"YES!!" Mack ran in and they helped her stand up.
"I think we should get to the hospital now.." Mack suggested, grabbing the pre-packed suitcase.
"That'd be good!!!" Sab shouted, holding her back. They all rushed out of her room and out the door to the car. They loaded into it and were off to the hospital.
"Sweetie, I'm driving!!"
"I'm working on it hun, just keep breathing!"

They arrived at the hospital and were put in a room. Sab lay on the bed as a nurse and a doctor crowded around her. The doctor nodded.
"Still going to be around 24 hours, so you have a while. If the water breaks, call us in, okay?"
"Uh huh!" Sabrina was still in pain. The nurse handed her some pills and thay left.
"Whens he coming?!"
"Sab, it'll take him a while to get here, but he said he'd be here. Don't worry."
"I hope so!!"

Email: frack0587@hotmail.com