*~Chapter Seven~*

The months went by, faster and faster as the days passed. The baby's due date was approaching quicker than ever. Sabrina's stomach was getting larger everyday. There was only two months left.

*~8th Month~*

Nick heard the phone ring, and rushed to get it.
"Hey man its Bri..I have some bad news..."
"Uh huh..."

Sabrina came downstairs slowly and walked to Nick's side at the kitchen counter. He looked upset.
"Whats up Nick?"
"Um..you know that tour that I promised Aaron? The one where we would do duets across America for three months?"
"Oh no..." Nick nodded, his face towards the ground."You can't go now! Nick! I'm not having this baby without you there!!"
"Sweetie, you have to! I havent got a choice. I know it will be hard, but Brian's coming to stay with you to help out. It'll be okay. I promise!"
"But.." He pressed his finger against her lips.
"It will be okay." He repeated. "I promise." Nick walked towards the bedroom to pack. Sabrina began to follow him, but stopped and cried. She sank into a chair and held her head in her hands.
Nick grabbed a bunch of clothes and shoved tham all into a suitcase. He ran through the house grabbing things for his journey.
Brian came to the door, ringing the bell. Aaron had picked him up, on his way to get Nick. He followed behind Brian. Sabrina got up and opened the door. Brian greeted her and wiped the tears from her eyes. He smiled and hugged her gently. Aaron did the same. Nick came down the stairs and looked at Sabrina.
"Ohh! Honey!!" He rushed to her, grabbing her in his arms. She still cried. "Look: I promise this to you, no matter what happens, I will be there. I will be there, right beside you in the delivery room, holding your hand tightly. I promise you from the bottom of my heart. I love you Sabby. I will do anything to be there. I promise." He began to back out the door. "I have to go. I love you!!"
Sabrina stood still, facing him, red-faced. "I love you too."

Email: frack0587@hotmail.com