Chapter Six

The bus had entered Tampa, and was headed for Mack and Aaron's home. When they arrived, everyone ran into the house, excited to be home. Mack and Aaron met them at the door with many happy greetings.
"Hey guys!! Welcome back!!" Sabrina was still very upset, and tried forcing smiles. Mackenzie pulled her upstairs once everyone got settled. Mack took her to the bedroom and shut the door behind her.
"Sabby! Whats wrong??"
They stood silent for a moment.
"I..I'm pregnant.."
"Shush! Please!"
"But..does Nick know??"
"No, but the father does.."
"Huh??" Sabrina explained.
"Oh my god! Nick will be crushed!!"
"I know!!" She was crying again. Mack hugged her tightly.
Downstairs, Leighanne and Kristen showed up. Nick came up and walked to the door of the bedroom.
"Hey guys?" Kay and Leigh are here!"
"Okay! Thanks Nick!" Mack stood, looking back at Sabrina. "Want him in here now?"
"Yeah. I do." Mack opened the door and told Nick to go in. He did, and noticed Sabrina crying. He rushed to her anf cuddled her.
"Nick..I need to tell you something..."
"Okay..what is it?"
"Well..remember the big party when we got really drunk??" He nodded. "Well..I..I'm pregnant.."
"But..but we didn't have sex that night. What does the party have to do with it??"
"Well...the baby..its not yours..." His mouth hung wide.
"Omigod!! Who?!" He gasped. "BRIAN!! I'll kill him!!!!!" Nick ran out of the room, Sabrina chased him down the stairs.
"NICK DONT HURT HIM!! We were drunk!! Nick please!!" Nick reached Brian and grabbed him, threatening a punch.
"What the hell's going on?!?" Leighanne screamed, attempting to protect her husband.
"He fucked my fiancee and got her pregnant!!" Nick punched his stomach.
"Nick! NO!!" Sabrina helplessly sank into a chair, as the guys struggled to stop Nick.
"Sabrina fucked my husband?!?" Leighanne ran to her, and slapped her face hard.
"NO! Leigh!!" Mackenzie and Kristen tried pulling her off. She kicked Sabrina's stomach, and she fell to the ground. Brian saw her.
"Leighanne!! The baby!!!"
"Fuck the baby!!" She kicked her again. Brian struggled free and shoved Leighanne into a chair forcing her to stay. The others held Nick as Brian and Mack helped Sabrina. Nick got free and jumped Brian, wrestling him to the ground. Sabrina held her head in pain from all the yelling. Mackenzie started yelling.
"OKAY! GUYS! STOP!! EVERYONE NEEDS TO HEAR THE STORY BEFORE WE ALL GO KILLING EACH OTHER!!" Nick paused with his hands still around Brian's neck. Leighanne sat still, glaring at Sabrina.
"Thank you!" She looked around at everyone. "Nick could you please let go of Brian??" Nick stood up, leaving Brian dazed on the floor.
"I think the four of them should go and talk this out! Without killing each other." Kevin suggested.
"That'd work..." Mackenzie looked at the four of them. "What do you guys think??" Brian nodded, followed by the others.
"You guys can use our bedroom if you want." Aaron added helpfully. The four walked up to the bedroom, not saying a word. They closed the door behind them and all sat in opposite ends of the room. They glared at each other, resisting temptations of murder. Finally, Brian spoke up.
"I think maybe we should discuss this situation."
"Well, Brian would you care to explain for us??" Nick asked.
"Yes, Brian, please do!" Leighanne glared at Sabrina.
"Well, we were at the party, and drank a lot! We got really drunk and, I guess decided to go upstairs, and, the next thing we know, Sab is pregnant."
"Thats your story???" Whatever!! I know Sabrina got you drunk and took opprotunity to advance!!" Leighanne was furious.
"Sabrina would never do that!! If anything, Brian took full advantage on her!"
Nick and Leigh continued yelling and defending Sab and Brian.
"OKAY! Guys, please! We need to figure out whats going to happen to this child!" Brian yelled, as they stopped fighting. Sabrina remained silent, holding her head.
"Well, what can we do, abort??"
Sabrina spoke up."NO!" Everyone looked at her.
"I think we know who advanced on who now!!" Leighanne smiled.
"Thats not tthe reason, I'm sure!" Nick looked over at her. "Why don't you want an abortion Sab?"
"I..I can't! You wouldn't understand why..but when you know a growing child..your child is inside you, the two of you form a can't just go off and kill it. Its wrong!"
"She does have a point.." Nick looked over at Brian. "What do we do??"
"Why don't we just go about our normal lives, and work something out from there??" Sabrina held her head as she spoke. Everyone eyed each other, considering the suggestion. "Even if Nick chooses to leave me..."
"Sabby! I'm hurt, badly. I mean, I did want out first child to actually be OURS, but I won't leave you. I love you!" Sabrina's bottom lip trembled as she smiled. Nick smiled back.
"So is that suggestion going to work with everyone then??" Brian eyed the others. They looked around at each other, nodding.
"Okay then!" They all got up and left the room, heading back downstairs. Leighanne still wasn't right.
